
воскресенье, 30 октября 2011 г.

Апокалипсис - 29 октября - Клуб "Генерал"

Я с Майором против Бронехода и Импера, место действия - клуб "Генерал",

Волки + БТ + Инквизиция + Имперская гвардия против БА + ИГ.  17к на 17к.

За фотки спасибо Имперу.

Мысль дня: 1) поды, если нет одной стратежной мисси для апока, все же не играют, слишком большие потери среди пассажиров на следующий ход, хотя мельто-поды и точечные удары они играют шикарно 2) цест все же ни о чем в апоке, или давать ему правило флайера на первый ход появления или брать нет смысла. 

среда, 26 октября 2011 г.

Форджа стала официальной для "обычных игры" по 40к

Теперь турниров с ИА на западе станет намного больше.

Из нового IAA.

воскресенье, 23 октября 2011 г.

Новые миссии для апока из IAA

Новые миссии для апока из IAA

1. 4000 на 5000 (1000 должно быть потрачено на суперхеви)
Миссия на 5 каунтеров из которых 3 в деплое дефендера, и 2  в двух  половинах нейтралки на растоянии 24" друг от друга. Кроме того, каждый назначает генерала армии, им может быть индеп, монстер, суперхеви, за убийство которого дается победное очко.
Все юниты дефендера в 24" от атакера могут стрелять 2 раза если не двигались, но потом кидают д6 за каждое оружие и на 1 это оружие больше не стреляет. У дефендера 6++ (если родной не лучше) и скаутмув на первый ход. Зоня деплоя имеют глубину 24 и между ними 48.

2. Лев и орел.

5000 на сторону. орел собирает 3000 по фоку и 2000 авиациии и фастовых скимеров или формаций с ними. Лев собирает 2000 по фоку и 3000 танков, суперхеви танков и волкеров и формаций с ними. Bойна за 3 точки в нейтралке. 6 ходов.

3. 3000-10000 со стороны. 6`x 8`. В каждой четверти 3+д3 зданий или руин. деплой - четверти. центрального круга нет, но ставящийся вторым ставится не ближе 24" к войскам первого. Каждый дом - обжектив. выигрывает тот, кто скорит больше обжективов.
Заскорив объект его можно покинуть отметив маркером. противник может перескорить.

4. Оборона крепости

Dominus siege pattern bombard

280 points

14 13 12

2 structure points

On movement 12"-36" ordance 5 " S10 AP3. Standing 12"-60 "apocalyptic barrage (3) S10 AP3 

FAQ игр формата "Апокалипсис" 1.0

ФАК Клуба "Передовая" 1.0

1) Все эффекты распространяющиеся на технику не действуют на суперхеви и грагантюа (такие как поле мека, ремонт техприста и проч), как и прочие эффекты типа ФНП и проч.

2) Все резервы не вышедшие на ТРЕТИЙ ход, считаются мертвыми, за исключением:

1. Юниты, которые вернулись в резерв по мисхапу, на 2-ой ход. Но эти юниты обязаны попытаться выти на ту же точку, что и на второй ход.

2. Юниты, которые могут покидать поле (например, флайеры). (RAW)

3. Юниты, которые могут выбирать ход, когда они выходят (например, инженеры или ветераны с бурилкой). (RAW)

3) Всегда можно выходить со своих краев стола, никакая сила, например Disruptor Beacon, не могут этому помешать. Кроме того, Disruptor Beacon не влияет на флаеры.

4) Спец. правила не распростряняются на другие армии. Пример, правило Вулкана не влиеет на мельты ИГ, только на классический космодесант, и ни какой другой.

Спец. правила именных героев влияют только на юниты из их кодекса и их ростера\фока. Не может быть двух одинаковых именных героев на столе.

5) Ork Plusa Rokkit, Eldar Phantom Titan забанены.

6) Disruptor Beacon в Конклаве Хаоса работает только от именного героя и действует на 48 дюймов, но вместо чоузенов можно брать культовых маров и необходимо взять от 3-8 героев.

7) Можно взять только одно Deathstrike Vortex Missle на игрока, и он должен иметь минимум 5 000 ИГ или ренегатов (4 000 в зависимости от формата).

8) Все безграничное по длине оружие лимитировано на 120 дюймов.

9) Все флайеры с 12 броней в режиме флайеров считаются "медленными флаерами": они летают не более 36", но и не менее 24" (меньше в режиме скимера в ховер моде только) и по ним попадают на 5+ (а не по 6+ как по обычным флаерам); или имеют 10 броню в режиме флайера. Какой вараинт работает решает мастер или по договоренности перед игрой.

10) Все оружие с показателем АА имеет правило Interceptor, при появлении флайера на столе, если его пусть пролегает через зону действия этого оружия, оно может выстрелить лишний раз в ход противника по флайеру, но не стрелять в свой ход. Эта доп. стрельба осуществляется после фазы бомбинг рана.

11) Точки считаются После хода каждой стороны.

12) Действуют все дополнения ИА1-11, ИАА1-2, Lords of Battle v2, правила с сайта apocalypse40k.com, собственные формации одобренные игроками.

13) Психосилы не действуют на флайеры.

14) Иерофант имеет 6+ инвуль, а не 3+, как по РАВу.


1) Попадание Д силой наносит ОДНУ рану гаргантюа. (RAW)

2) Если суперхеви уничтожено, оно не может вернуться на стол ни каким образом.

3) При стрельбе по флайерам всегда вычитается 12 дюймов, при стрельбе самих флайеров это не работает. (RAW)

4) Флайеры не блочат проход и не мешают юнитам внизу передвигаться. На поверхности стола их нет. (Clarification)

5) Правила применяемые к вашей армии применяются только к ней. Ваши хомер биконы, иконы и проч не действуют на ваших союзников. Нельзя использовать психосилы на союзников. Исключение, если в правиле написано, что оно действует на все дружественные юниты, либо другие специфические правила (например The Tally of Pestilense). (Clarification)

6) Модель попавшая под Apocalyptic Barrage получает хит полной силой. (Clarification)

7) Гидра стоит 75 очков и имеет встроенный АА (IA Update v1.1).

8) Рана или эффект, которые наносит инсту, наносят Д3 ран гаргантюа. Рана или эффект, которая требует убрать модель со стола, наносит Д3 ран или пней гарнатюа или суперхеви.

9) Эльдарские флайеры с гало полями получают только один сейв, а не два: сейв от полей и кавер сейв, так как превалирует последнее правило, а именно, правила форджи, и всегда есть только ОДИН сейв.

Eldar Titan holo-fi elds: As long as the vehicle moved in the previous
turn, it gains a 4+ Invulnerable save against attacks.


1) Каждый игрок получает по одному ассету или каждая сторона получает # количество ассетов, если есть разница в кол-ве игроков. Регулируется ГМ.

2) Jammers забанен.

3) Можно брать ассет Flank March, но он работает только на юниты, которые имеют правило инфильтра, аутфланг. Кроме того, фланг марш действует на юниты, которые получают его через формацию.

4) Суперхеви и гаргантюа не могут выходить фланг маршем.

5) Ассет "Replacements" работает на юниты, которые стоят не больше 600 очков и не являются суперхеви или гаргантюа.

6) Формации с именными героями не могут дублироваться никаким образом.

Кларифай по работе юнитов:

Дред Кло - По новой версии
IAA: флайер, не ассолт веикл, приходит из резерва только дипстрайком,  реролит мишмеп.

Люциус Дроп под - По новой версии IAA: если дреноут хочет чарджить из нег, обязан кидать денжерос тест.

В остальном используются самые последние версии правил из IA.


По новой версии IAA

Не скорят индепы, имобилайзнутая техника, флаеры даже в ховер моде и убегающие или запиненые юниты. Отсальные скорят. Контестить могут только те, кто могут скорить. Скоринг осуществляется в 5" от края маркера. Маркеры рекомендованы - 40 мм.

Правила на выбор целей суперхеви и гаргантюа (работает, когда на столе от 2-3 титанов, окончательное решение применяется мастером):

Д шаблон обязан выбрать цель в зоне действия своего оружия согласно данному списку
1) Титаны и Гаргантюа
2) Прочие суперхеви или здания\бункеры со структурными очками
3) Танки с 14 броней или здания\бункеры
4) Остальные танки
5) Остальные цели

пятница, 21 октября 2011 г.

Forge World NEWS

Land Raider Proteus
Land Raider ProteusThe Land Raider is perhaps the most iconic of all Imperial armoured vehicles. Its distinctive silhouette is recognisable to foe and ally alike, announcing the indomitable presence of the Adeptus Astartes, the heroic and super-human Space Marines. Many patterns and designs of this honoured and ancient war machine exist across the myriad worlds of the Imperium, yet few hold the mystery of the ‘Proteus’ patterns; which are valued highly by those Space Marine Chapters who possess them.
Mechanicus tech-savants use the term Land Raider Proteus to refer to a number of different configurations, believed to be the oldest of their kind. These are fitted with numerous sophisticated augury systems and cogitator engines, in addition to the Land Raider’s principal features of being a highly durable, environmentally sealed and well-armed battle tank. Ancient and forgotten data-looms describe the Proteus as a vehicle commonly fielded in Explorator missions during the dawning days of Mankind’s fledgling galactic empire, and perhaps, therefore, the progenitor for more commonplace variants.
This full resin kit, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, is packed with some amazing details and two different hull-mounted weapon options to supplement its twin-linked sponson-mounted lascannons. The Land Raider Proteus is available to order now for immediate despatch. Experimental rules to allow this ancient armoured vehicle to take to the field of battle are available to download from the Forge World website.
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought Body and new Contemptor Weapons
Relic ContemptorIt is not uncommon for those Chapters blessed enough to count the ancient and revered Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought amongst their arsenal to embellish their armoured sarcophagus with scripture, honour scrolls and additional details to commemorate the heroism and indomitable valour of the Ancient enshrined within. The Relic Contemptor Dreadnought Body, designed by Simon Egan and Will Hayes, provides the perfect painting project and will make for a fantastic centrepiece to any Space Marine force.
Released this week alongside the Dreadnought Body are two additional weapons, both designed by Will Hayes. The Contemptor Pattern Multi-melta allows this most revered Dreadnought to be armed with potent anti-tank weaponry. The Contemptor Pattern Assault Claw, a variant and more savage close combat weapon, contains parts to arm the Contemptor with either a powerful Graviton Gun or a compact and deadly Plasma Blaster.
Both the Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, Multi-melta and Assault Claw are fully compatible with both our existing range of Contemptor weapons and the Contemptor Dreadnought. All three of these new kits are available to order now for immediate despatch.

вторник, 18 октября 2011 г.

Хаос Контептор Дредноут

хаос контемптор 195

 5 4 7 13 12 11 4 2
реактор, флит, твл-хб, дццв с твл-болтер, дымы

реактор на 4+ отменяет гланс и на 6+ пень. кроме того псайкер к хтх с дредом получает атаку с2 ап2 по и10. в случае взрыва +д3 к радиусу.

иконы богов по 25. кхорн +д3 атак с чарджа вместо +1, слаанеш +1 иня и гранаты защитные и атакующие, нургл -1 на результат по таблице поражений, дзинч - все болтерное и огнметное оружие получает ап3 и ререол 1 на ту-хит.

твлхб меняется на: мм или твлхф бесплатно, твл ак 5, плазма пушка 10, твл лазка 25, шинковалка (36" с8ап4хэви4) 25, тяжелый конверш.бимер 35, дццв 10, чейнфист 15 (последние 2 выбора - +1 атака).

встроеный в кулаки твлболтер меняется на ХФ за 10, плазмабластер (18" ы7ап2асаулт2перегрев) 15, душесжигатель (24"с5ап5асаулт1 3" бласт рендинг) за 20.

еа 15, прожектор 1, хавок ланчер на спину - 15

Спасибо ComandorIG за инфу.

Space Wolf Contemptor Dread - правила

Базовые правила с форджи

Волчий контептор - 185
5 4 7 13 12 11 4 2
щит, флит, найт саги
дымы, твл-хб и дццв со штормболтером.

твл-хб меняется на: мм или тв-хф бесплатно

твл-ак - 5, плазмакэнон 10, керос ассолтка - 15, твл-лазка 25, вторая рука 10, рука с чейнфистом 15. обе руки +1 атака

встроенный шторм болтер меняется на ХФ за 10

апгрейды: ЕА-15, прожектор 1, хвост 5, ожерелье 10, циклон на спину 35

3 саги на выбор одну бесплатно:  Black Cull, Forsaken one, Iron God

1-ая сага - фурик. но обязан вынести инфантри юнит в рукопашной
2-я контратака по 10 лидаку. не имеет права джойнится в мультикомбат со своими отрядами
3-я. +1 по демедж чарту против волкеров. к концу игры все вражеские волкеры должны быть имобилайжены или уничтожены.

Спасибо за инфу ComandorIG

воскресенье, 16 октября 2011 г.

Бекграунд некронов на русском.

У некронтир была большая империя, но она почти утонула в гражданской войне: лорды пересрались между собой. Чтобы избежать краха империи, глава некронтир, Безмолвный король начал войну против Древних, чтобы объединить своих людей, дав им общего врага. Естественно, некронтир получили пизды. Тогда король некронтир, не понимая последствий, заключил договор с Ктанами, с Десивером в частности. Когда некронтир помогли Ктанам убить последнего Древнего, будущие некроны сами предали своих хозяев и убили их, разбив на осколки.  Эта война окончательно ослабила некронтир и они решили войти в стазис, чтобы избежать мести Эльдар.

Когда некроны пробудились в 41-ом тысячелетии, их цель состоит не в том, чтобы собирать души для Ктанов (их осколки теперь являются рабами некронов),  а чтобы восстановить свою Империю. Но теперь у них нет общего властелина и правительства, по сути каждая мир-гробница или кластер миров – это мини-империя, со своей историей и целями.
Хотя воины-некроны, большей частью, автоматы и машины, а имморталы не лучше, высшие лорды обладают личностями, по сути попавшими в ловушку своего металлического тела.

В новом кодексе есть куча новых деталей о некронах, которых не было раньше. Очень много цитат лордов некронов и выдержек из книг других рас.

Есть лорды, которые чтят доблесть в бою, есть лорды, которые торгуют с другими расами, например, БА и Некроны в непростом союзе победили тиранидов.  Кроме того, есть истории столкновений между нерконами: дают знать старые интриги и распри в верхушках некронов.

Это дает возможность каждому игроку создать своего Лорда таким, каким он хочет его видеть. Полная свобода креатива.  Кроме того, теперь возможны различные цветовые схемы.
У лордов могут быть различные цели, мотивы, бекграунд. Некоторые лорды одержимы поиском идеальным телом из плоти, чтобы вернуть их чувительность обратно.

Один из лордов был поврежден  во время великого сна, таким образом вся чувствительность некронов была стерта, они активно отакую все подряд, включая другие миры некронов, чтобы поглотить их и включить в свою империю.  Безмолвный король ушел в добровольное изгнание (из-за непростительного преступления против своего народа). Оказывается пробуждение некронов стимулировало появление тиранидов (если ниды сожрут всю галактику, некроны никогда не найдут идеального тела, чтобы вернуть их разумы в нормальную оболочку).

Самый большой противник Некронов теперь фактически искусственный мир Altaoic. Они единственные, кто остался верен исходному пути эльдар – найти и уничтожить гробницы некронов. Рейджеры этого мира в течение тысячелетий искали по всей галактике гробницы, чтобы уничтожить их или препятствовать пробуждению.
Что касается Ктанов, то есть много неизвестных осколков, за которыми сами некроны охотятся, чтобы посадить их в тюрьму, карманные измерения, но это не мешает аватарам  Дракона или Обманщика действовать.  По сути, власть Ктанов слишком могущественная, а осколки более напоминают то, что было в старом кодексе: их можно убить\узгнать с поля боя. 

Necrons - NEW 2011!




• Imotekh the Stormlord (Lord of the Sau): The most powerful Necron Overlord currently. A master strategist whose nemesis is the Orks (since their random nature is the only thing that can accidentally disrupt his flawless plans).

• Nemesor Zahndrekh: Overlord damaged in the great sleep who still thinks he is flesh and blood fighting the war of secession against his brother Necrontyr. Therefore, he is one of the few Necron Lords who still fights with honor and valor towards his enemies. Has a bodyguard named Vargard Obryron.

• Illuminor Szeras: The Necrontyr who took the C'Tan's knowledge to do bio-transfer and actually made it a reality...so he's the chief architect within the Necrons for actually making the bio-transference happen. He is a master of technology and can augment D3 units in the army with an augmentation.

• Orikan the Diviner: A master astromancer (a Cryptek specializing in tech that can predict the future), he is renown for knowing what will happen and when. During the game he is able to achieve a 'powered up' state that gives him a greatly increases statline, but this boost can randomly end on any turn dropping him back down to his regular stats.

• Anrakyr the Traveller: A Necron Lord whose goal is to unite the Necron Empires again. He travels to Tomb Worlds still sleeping and kills the 'lesser' inhabitants that may live there unaware they are on a Tomb World, the 'price' for this service is to claim a tithe from the newly awakened legions. Some Necrons see him as a golden crusader others don't want reunification and would rather see him dead.

• Trazyn the Infinite: He is a Necron who woke very early and is fascinated with studying and collecting history. His tomb world is filled with secret trinkets including (I quote) 'a giant of a man clad in baroque power armor' (start your wild theories here!). He even will attack other Necron tomb worlds to capture artifacts from them that he doesn't think they deserve. He is the character that has the CC ability to pick one type of model he killed that round and inflict wounds on all models of that type in the combat.

• Necron Overlord: Generic DIY Necron Overlord (guy who rules a Tomb World) with plenty of options. Can ride on a Catacomb Command Barge (which is a one man transport) as can all the named 'Lords' above, but not those that are Crypteks in their fluff (Illuminor Szeras & Orikan the Diviner). Also can be a Destroyer Lord instead.

• Royal Court: 0-5 regular Necron Lords (lieutenants to the Overlords) as well as 0-5 Crypteks. Crypteks are masters of Necron technology, whose abilities sometimes appear like sorcery to other races, but they do not have any psychic powers...all their abilities do not require a psychic test or anything like that (nor are they ever referred to as psychic powers in any way). Any member of the Court (Lord or Cryptek) can be split off at the start of the game to lead a unit of Warriors, Immortals, Lychguard or Deathmarks (but only one per unit). Neither Lords nor Crypteks are ICs.


• Night Scythe: A variant of the Doom Scythe fighter that is a 15 model flyer transport with the 'supersonic' 36" flat-out move that the new flyers (that are really skimmers) have. Can carry jump infantry models (taking up 2 spots each) and fire all its weapons even when moving at cruising speed. Has living metal (chance to ignore crew shaken & stunned) but not quantum shielding (which gives +2 armor until the vehicle suffers its first glancing or penetrating hit). AV 11/11/11 like most Necron vehicles (not open-topped though).

• Ghost Ark: 10 model transport, Open-topped AV11 with quantum shielding and living metal. Also is able to regenerate D3 models to one unit within 6" each Necron movement phase (but cannot take the unit above its starting size).

• Catacomb Command Barge: One-man vehicle for most ICs. Open-topped AV11 with quantum shielding & living metal. Can make sweep attacks over 3 enemy units it passes over when it moves. Also the character can lose wounds to negate immobilized or weapon destroyed results.


• Deathmarks: 24" range rapid-fire AP 5 sniper unit that can choose to Deep Strike in immediately after any enemy unit arrives from Reserves (which just allows the enemy to fire at them first?)...teleporting in from a pocket dimension to target their prey. They can also mark a single unit as their 'target' which allows them to roll to wound on a 2+. Beautiful models from the pics leaked, but at the point cost listed I can't see them ever being used except to see those great models on the table. Can be transported on a Night Scythe.

• Lychguard: Traditionally these have been the bodyguards for the Overlords. Come standard with Warscythes (+2 Strength Power weapon) and can replace them with Hyperphase swords (power weapon) and Dispersion Shields (the thing that gives them a 4+ invuln and reflects enemy shooting). I made a mistake before. The Shields don't only reflect enemy shooting within 6", they reflect all enemy shooting, but only against enemy units who are within 6" of them (they reflect saved wounds, they don't affect blast/templates, for example). Can be transported on a Night Scythe.

• Triarch Ptaetorians: These used to be effectively the 'police' (my term) of the main Necron ruler (the last of which was the Silent King) to help enforce his will onto the Lords of the Empire. They are known to respect great warriors and honor valor and have sometimes ordered Necron Overlords to stop attacking a foe they deemed worthy of respect (much to the Lord's chagrin). They are Jump Infantry with a 6" AP2 S5 weapon. They can swap that out for Void Blades (a weapon with Rending and the same Entriopic ability that Scarabs have) and Particle Casters (a pistol weapon). No transport option.

• C'Tan Shard: Must take 2 of the 11 listed ability choices that basically shape what kind of C'Tan shard you're fielding. No ability can be taken more than once in the army (even if you take 3 C'Tan shards in the army). The statline is slightly less impressive than previous incarnations of the C'Tan, but still pretty decent. Also has Eternal Warrior and ignores all terrain penalties. Still explodes D6" when they die. Fluff-wise, these are shards effectively controlled by the Necron (even though they have most shards locked away in pocket dimensions). Each shard represents only a portion of the power and consciousness of the C'Tan and therefore in battle the C'Tan may not even think to utilize some of its power because the portion of it that knows it has 'X' power simply isn't there. This is essentially what explains why they only have access to 2 special abilities in battle.

• Flayed Ones: 3 Attacks base (and no additional CC weapons). Can infiltrate or Deep Strike. No transport options.

• Triarch Stalker: Concept Sketch shows a Triarch Praetorian sitting in an open-topped cockpit that is riding on a Necron-style giant almost scorpion walker set of legs. Very cool looking IMHO. Has a variable heat ray (which can be upgraded to a couple of other weapons) that can either be fired as a template or as an Assault 2 S8 24" Heavy2 Melta weapon. Has a Targeting relay which means that any enemy unit hit by the Stalker gets a counter placed by it that allows all other Necron units shooting at the same unit that phase to count as being twin-linked. AV11 & open-topped, but does have Quantum shielding & Living Metal.


• Warriors: You know them, you love them. Described as being basically automatons, with very little (if any) sentience. These were the non-warrior Necontyr before the bio-conversion. See my previous rumors (in the OP) for details on their points cost, etc. Can be transported on a Ghost Ark or Night Scythe.

• Immortals: Immortals are said to have the ability to at least speak, but still aren't too much brighter than Warriors. These were Elite warriors of the Necrontyr before the conversion (not sure who the rank and file troops were if the Warriors were the non-combatants and the Immortals were the Elite soldiers?). Can exchange their Gauss Blasters for Tesla Carbines (24" S5 Assault1, extra hit inflicted on a 'to hit' roll of '6') Can be transported on a Night Scythe.


• Canoptek Wraiths: Protectors of the Tombs while the hosts slumber. Jump Infantry who ignore terrain. 3A base with Rending. All models can take one of a few different upgrades including a Whip Coil (nearly identical to a Tyranid Lash Whip), particle caster (pistol) or a Exile Beamer (12" range that kills a random model in the target unit unless it passes a Strength test).

• Canoptek Scarabs: See the rumors copied in the OP for more details on what Scarbs do now.

• Tomb Blades: Jet Bikes. From the artwork, these look like Necron warriors fused into a flying crescent throne carrying a weapon harness in their arms that is base twin-linked Tesla Carbines. The fluff says that they are pre-programmed with a bunch of different flight patterns and vectors that the onboard Warrior chooses from on the fly. this mitigates the fact that a Warrior has poor coordination, but since the programs are so advanced, in reality they act basically like any other similar unit in an enemy army despite the fact that their 'pilots' are much slower to react. They can upgrade their weapons to a couple different choices (twin-linked Gauss Blaster or Particle Beamer). The entire unit can take any of the 3 options: Nebuloscope (increases BS to 5), Shield Vanes (increased armor save to 3+) & Shadowloom (Stealth).

• Destroyers: New fluff that says Destroyers are infected with some kind of degenerative virus that causes their sole purpose in life to be to kill their enemies. As such they hate everyone and have the Preferred Enemy special rule against everyone (as do Destroyer Lords). They are Jump Infantry now. Any model in the unit can upgrade to a Heavy Destroyer.


• Doomsday Ark: Variant of the Ghost Ark transport: Open-topped, AV11, Quantum Shielding, Living Metal. Something I forogot to say about the Ghost Ark...each Guass Flayer array (5 Flayers) on each side is allowed to fire at a different enemy target (and different from the Doomsday Cannon). Not entirely clear whether a weapon destroyed takes out a whole array or not, but I'm leaning towards yes. The Doomsday cannon has two profiles, one for if the vehicle did or didn't move that turn (with the non-moving one being 72" range S9 AP1 Large Blast). The moving profile only has a 24" range and a S7 blast. Basically described as gunboat whose strategy is to hit first and destroy the enemy before they can fire back.

• Annihilation Barge: Described as anti-infantry support platforms. Variant of the Catacomb Command Barge: Open-topped, AV11, Quantum Shielding, Living Metal. Has a twin-linked Tesla Destructor & a Tesla Cannon, but can upgrade the cannon to a Gauss Cannon. Not exactly sure why you'd want to do that except for the extra range (36" for the Gauss Cannon as opposed to all Tesla weapons which are 24" range).

• Monolith: 35 Point reduction along with corresponding nerf in invulnerability (were you not expecting that?). Still AV 14 and still has Living Metal (although again that only helps remove Crew Stunned/Shaken now). Can still Deep Strike but no longer has invulnerability from Mishaps. Has 4 Gauss Flux Arcs (which are now just Heavy 3 instead of randomly rolled). Particle whip is now just a straight up S8 AP3 24" large blast. The portal can be used to either transport any non-vehicle friendly Necron unit through it or to suck enemy models within 6" to instant death who fail a Strength Test. No bonus to reanimation protocols (the replacement for WBB) is present. Although, at the end of the day, this is still an AV14 vehicle all around, which is pretty imposing in the current game. Unfortunately all of its weapons are really close range, which means it will also now tend to be in Melta range...

• Doom Scythe: Pure fighter variant of the Night Scythe. AV11 with Living Metal (but no Quantum Shielding or open-topped). Is supersonic (36" flat-out) and can fire all its weapons when moving at cruising speed. Has a twin-linked tesla Destructor & a Death Ray, which allows a 3D6" line to be drawn (with one end of the line being within 12" of the vehicle) and causes a number of hits on every unit crossed by the line equal to the number of MODELS in the unit hit. Oh and did I mention that these hits are S10 AP1? Nasty indeed! But at nearly 200 pts for an AV11 vehicle, to get within 12" to unleash this beast will probably be a bit rough.

• Tomb Spyders: The artwork makes them look much more flying and nimble, like giant Scarabs. Can now repair vehicles like a Techmarine, Big Mek, etc. Can take an anti-psychic defense against any power targeting a friendly unit within 3" (nullified on a 4+). Can still create Scarab Swarms, but only into existing swarms on the table (they no longer form a unit with the Spyder) and it can still take damage if it rolls a '1' while doing so. Can take Whip Coils (by giving up a close combat weapon and a +1 to repair vehicles) which is like a Tyranid Lash Whip. Can take 1 or 2 Particle Beamers (by removing its CC/fixer arms) to do so. 1-3 in a unit.

So that's about it for now. But I'd be remiss to point out that I didn't mention any of the special character's abilities really or any of the wargear/rules of the Crypteks. There are lots of neat toys as usual in 5th edition codexes. I'm not going to list them all, but I'll pick a random one that just seemed fun to me...there is a special character (the Stormlord) who makes the first turn of the game be night fighting no matter what the mission and can try to extend the rule into further turns by rolling higher than the current turn number on a D6...in addition, while the Night Fighting rules are in effect all unengaged enemy units suffer D6 S8 AP5 hits on a D6 roll of '6' at the start of each Necron shooting phase (hit by lightning strikes). And of course there is a Cryptek ability 'solar pulse' which allows (once per game) at the start of any turn (friend or foe) for the Night Fighting rules to be cancelled for that turn (or apply if the Night Fighting rules weren't in effect when the pulse was launched).

So I could see an army based around this using Night Fight (with Lighting Strikes, of course), and then any turn they REALLY need to shoot, you can use the Solar Pulse to cancel out the Night Fighting effects on your own turn, which still leaves them affecting enemy shooting on their turn! Seems like it could be quite nasty indeed! Oh, and he can try to seize the Initiative on a 4+ except against Orks (who confound his logic). But of course, he is also over 200 points naturally.

Anyway, plenty more tricks and stuff to read about when the codex comes out!


There is a dramatic change in the fluff in this codex from the previous incarnation of the Necrons. The Necrontyr's empire was massive at one point, but the different Lords in the empire started to turn against each other in civil war. To prevent this from happening the overall ruler of the Necrons (the Silent King) started the war against the Old Ones specifically to give them a common enemy to fight against to prevent his empire from destroying itself. Of course, the Old Ones ended up kicking their butts and in desperation, the Silent King found the C'Tan and agreed to the Deceiver's pact without realizing what he was doing. However, after the Necrons helped the C'Tan to kill off the last Old Ones, the Silent King then ordered the Necrons to turn on the C'Tan in vengeance and utterly destroyed the C'Tan into tiny shards. This war agains the C'Tan weakened the Necrons overall so much they decided to go into stasis to avoid the vengeance of the Eldar (the C'Tan had killed the Old Ones, but not all their children).

Now that the Necrons have reawakened in the 41st millennium, their goal is no longer to 'harvest' souls for the C'Tan (the C'Tan shards are now their slaves) as it was in the old book, but rather to reestablish the great Necron empire that spanned the galaxy before the war with the Old Ones began. However, the overall hierarchy of the Necron people is gone for the most part, leaving each individual Empire to once again rule for itself. This means each Tomb World (or cluster of Necron worlds) is essentially a separate little empire to itself, with a full backstory and idiosyncrasies. While Necron warriors are pretty much just automatons and Immortals not too much better, every other higher Necron being is now much more like an actual person, as their essence is simply trapped inside a metal body.

So there is lots of crazy nuance to Necron culture that was never present before. The codex now has plenty of 'quote' boxes featuring memorable quotes from Necron Lords like other races have in their books. There are some Necron Lords who honor valor in battle, there are a few Necron Lords who trade with other races, and although an uneasy alliance apparently, yes Necrons and Blood Angels did end up fighting against a Tyranid Hive Fleet together. Oh, and there is definitely plenty of reason to have Necron vs. Necron action now (as the old feuds between competing Necron Lords flare back up again).

All in all, it is a major tonal shift. While part of me recoils from it, the other part of me thinks that Necrons as they were had no distinct 'character' that each player could choose to get behind. Yes, the race as a whole had 'character' in how it was organized and functioned, but there was never any really good reason that a player should have his Necron force painted and modeled 'X' way as opposed to another player with his Necron army looking 'Y' way. People certainly painted their Necrons in different (neat) ways, but there was never really any good fluff giving players inspiration to do so.

The only real 'personality' in the old book was the Deceiver, and that frankly wasn't the Necrons, it was their god. The mindless mission that all Necrons were on was basically really similar to Tyranids...the Necrons were coming to harvest every living thing in the galaxy (yawn).

This new incarnation, love it or hate it, gives the Necrons a whole wide array of personality and every single empire has different goals and motives (not to mention paint schemes, markings, etc). Some Necron Lords are obsessed with finding the perfect flesh bodies to transfer their sentience back into. One Necron Tomb World was damaged during the great sleep and erased all the Necron sentience and has started basically commanding its Necrons like true robots (and is actively attacking other Necron worlds to take them over and keep growing), and there are of course dozens more little stories. The Silent King, who put himself into exile (for his unforgivable crime against his people) by leaving the galaxy after defeating the C'Tan encountered the Tyranids in the void between galaxies and has returned to spur the Necrons into action against the Tyranids (realizing that if the Tyranids wipe the galaxy clean of biological matter, then the Necrons will never find a form to transfer their minds back into).

Oh, and the biggest rival of the Necrons is now actually the Altaoic (sp?) Craftworld. Apparently they are the only Eldar who stayed true on the original path to seek out and destroy Necron Tomb Worlds while the rest of the Eldar got all caught up and destroyed in their decadence and then the Fall. Altaoic rangers have traveled the galaxy far and wide over the millennia (ever since the Necrons went to sleep) to track down and destroy or hamper Tomb Worlds from reawakening.

So with this new direction there is now tons of different possibilities for players to make Necrons forces different from each other and there are neat new takes on 'nemesis' races like Eldar & Tyranids to drive gaming plots as well as good reason for Necron on Necron battles.

And as for totally destroying the background of the C'Tan, the codex does allude to the fact that there are lots of unaccounted for C'Tan shards still allegedly cast around the galaxy. The Necron are always trying to hunt them down and imprison them (in pocket dimension prisons), but this does still leave the door totally wide open for a shard of 'The Dragon' to be on Mars and for shards of 'The Deceiver' to have done all the crazy things that's been written about him in novels. Essentially, the full power C'Tan were massively, massively powerful, and the 'shard' versions of them are closer to the idea of what we had in the last codex anyway (something that can be killed/banished on a battlefield).

So while it is a little shocking to have such a massive fluff change hit, I do think it is probably the right way forward to create a more fully realized faction. But I do think it is probably going to be a massive turn-off to those players who absolutely adored the old fluff for the army.


Hercules and Sabre space marine tanks

воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.

Forge World vs Турниры

They'll only be illegal in GW tournaments, and how many of those do you see? Most other tournaments are fine with it.
Коммент с одного европейского форума... ничего не напоминает? У нас бы он звучал совершенно по-другому. 

Если слухи оправдаются, кроме изменения метагейма в связи  с выходом новой редакции правил, придется учитывать еще и правила от форджи и то, что частыми гостями теперь станут флайеры.

На фоне этого уже начали раздоваться вайны и конючинья, что некоторые армии обделены...

Как я уже говорил, студия работает над книгой по тиранидам, эльдары получили огромный пакет новинок, книга с корсарами не  за горами, их темные братья так же получат свою книгу, хаосу ваще грех жаловаться.

А вот мары остаются единственной армией без флайера. Хавк не считается, ибо а) он имеет структурники б) оверпрайс и переоценен на порядок. Блады и серые еще могут получить на штормрейвены правила флайеров.

В связи с этим слухи о летающем предаторе, скорее всго, тоже правда, что-то аля равин, но не на его базе, с приличной дакой, такой вот истребитель. Это звучит вполне логично.

суббота, 8 октября 2011 г.

Новости прямо из ГВ

По многочисленым каналам начали поступать данные, что после издания Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2nd Edition и РБ 6ки, ГВ

а) Допустит юниты из ИА на турниры GD
б) Сделает дополнения форджи не просто  for friendly games. А полнценными дополнениями для обычных игры, то есть это будут официальные правила, такого же уровня, что и кодекс, и РБ.
в) Это позволит ГВ  быстрее издавать книги, в связи с последними событиями (суд с чаптерхаус и т.д.), и дополнять кодексы уже после их выхода новыми юнитами.
д) Это сильно разнообразит метагеймы.

Естественно, все предыдущие юниты будут поэрачены. Но почти все из новой книги форджи можно официально считать допущенным для обычных игр.

Мой источник подтвердил, что презентация некронов должна была произойти на GD UK, но из-за изменений в политики компании, их перенесли пока не будет готова полная линейка новых миниатюр... а их там очень много, +80% к старым, так что придется запстись терпением.

То же самое происходит и с печатным кодексом сестер. ГВ не может позволить себе издать кодекс, зная, что мелкие компании могут очень быстро подсуетится, особенно на бронеливчиках. 

Первые реальные слухи по 6ке

1. Будет изменена система ХтХ, возможно вернется многое из 3ки и 4ки. Но все равно это будет близко к 5ке.

2. Будет сильно расширена система террейна. Очень возможен террейн с эффектами, как в ФБ, хотя на самом деле впервые это появилось в городах смерти. Очень многое перейдет оттуда. Вернется множество правил на леса из 3ки (см. кодекс Катачан)

3. Target Priority Checks и Extra Deviation to Ordnance when moving, почти наверняка вернется.

4. Никаких таблиц с ковром не будет. Ковер остается тем же, 4+, но будет больше шансов получить 3+ с одной стороны, и больше 5+, хотя средний ковер все равно остается 4+.

5. Возможно возвращение стратегического рейтинга армии, во всяком случае это тестируется.

6. Все кодексы начиная с нидов писались под 6ку, и любой возможный дисбаланс будет убран с выходом новой редакции.

7. Тау получат 4бс.

8.  Влияние персонажей на отряды увеличится.

9. КП будут заменены на другую систему. Останется система 3х миссий, но будет 3 дополнительные. Соотв. будет две системы 3 и 6. 

10. Флайеры будут вписаны в обычный РБ.

вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition

The Eldar get a Wraithseer besides the Phantom Titan, Hornet, Lynx, and Warp Hunter.

Necrons get a Tomb Stalker.

Dark Eldar get a Reaper and a Tantalus.

There are Contemptor Dreadnought sheets for many Marine Chapters, plus Chaos gets their own.

Found a formation rule change. Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod - the Dreadnought must now must make a Dangerous Terrain Check if assaulting the same turn it arrived.

Crassus Armored assault transport, 250pts, 12" move 35 capacity transport? Ok!
Deathrider Formation went up in pts and gained furious charge and a badly worded rule that says "If the death rider squad survives all units within the formation are fearless" however the normal squads are deathrider squads. Maybe they meant the single command squad?
Blood Angel contemptor can get free blood talons on its fists.
Space wolf contepmtor gets special sagas for free, furioius charge, counter attack, or +1 on damage chart rolls against vehicles.
Mortis contemptor can go AA if it doesn't move.
Siege dread is now a flamestorm cannon, although the pic says "Inferno cannon"
Arvus lighter can take weapons that can only be fired if hovering.
Lifta Droppa Battlewagon went up to 225, still greatest D weapon in the game.
Ork Tanka Mob has a special rule which states "Mobs without their own dedicated transports may be carried in or on the Tanka Mob's Vehicles as normal." Glad they put that basic rule in writing...
Eldar Guardian Serpent Rider Host gets to reroll its failed Target Priority tets.
Harradin is now a flyer with a hover mode, and the gargoyles don't take extra blast damage.
Stonecrusher fex can reroll 1's on its regen.
Manta says "When firing submunitions the manta does not roll the extra D6 for deviation for moving, it always rolls a D6 for deviation.
Pathfinder search and destroy cadre doesn't need to pass target priority checks against a single target.
Dark eldar use an old warrior for size pics.
Dark Eldar Tantalus... it's everything i wanted it to be and more. My harliquins need one.
The demon lords are totally re-written, no super chicken. Meaning you better get this book or a friend with it if you own one.
An'ggrath the unbound has rage... twice. Once in a rule that states he must charge, anther that states he actually has rage. His plasma pistol whip is now 2 shots.
Chaos warhound has a new dirge caster.
Chaos contemptor has some wierd formatting issues that place the +1 attack modifier in with the points cost. It can also take special chaos marks and special chaos only weapons.
Dreadclaw is still a pathetic immitation of the drop pod. It now rerolls mishaps.
There are 4 new missions in the back. I read the first and lost interest. Its 3000points of regualar stuff for each side, 1 side can have 2000 extra in tanks, other side can have 2000 extra in aircraft.
I have not indepthly read "The Rules summary" however they now have "AP1/Destroyer hit +1" on the super heavy damage chart. And they've added the fact that you get AP1 or destroyer. 

Gorgon 30 points less. Removed references to now non-existant upgrades (Minesweeper and Rough Terrain Modification)

Macharius Vulcan. Wierdness - Vulcan Mega Bolter for Macharius ‘Vulcan’ still has a range of 68”!?! (seens like an unusual distance). However, it can now fire twice (somewhat like the Stormlord) if it doesn’t move.

Malcador – drive damage become immobilized on 4+. Now 235 points (40 points less).

Malcador Annihilator & Malcador Defedner. Now 285points (30 points less). Drive damage becomes immobilized on 4+.

The Malcador Infernus is 5 points more now. The Inferno Gun is now AP3 (instead of 2). The Engine damage rule is now on 4+ instead of 5+.

Death Korps of Krieg Death Rider Company. Now has Furious Charge and Fearless. Now 50 points.

Siege Dreadnought now comes with Smoke and Searchlight stock. Now gets extra d6 armour penetration against stationary vehicles. Also, has a process now to wound people inside a penetrated but not destroyed vehicle or building (you can wound models inside a Land Raider!)

Marauder Destroyer – now armour 11/11/10 instead of 10 all around

Fortress Walls are arranged differently in terms of points and how they work.

Big Squiggoth has 4+ save now instead of 5+. It’s Kannon is Strength 9 instead of 8.

Fightas now have AA weapons! Orks have AA technology!!!! Well, at least for the two twin-linked big shootas.

Grot Bomm Launcha. Now has Shoota besides Grot Bomb. Also now has Trakk units rule like other Trakks in the Ork Codex.

Tanka Mob – now 3-10 Ork Vehicles of Tank or Superheavy designation instead of only specific vehicles.

Harridan – added Flyer with Hover mode designation, along with explanation of its unique flying.

Malanthrope – very different. Now 110 points, totally different rules.

Meiotic Spore – now drifts in direction of owners choice each turn. Also, you get d6-2 mines when it explodes now instead of d6-1.

Stone Crusher Carnifex – now 195 points (instead of 180). Now gets +1 on damage charts vs buildings and vehicles. Now has assault grenades. Now comes stock with better regeneration than normal bugs can get.

Orca – now armour 12/12/10 instead of 11/11/10. Now BS4 with note that this is due to Targetting array. Comes stock with Blacksun filter and Disruption pod.

Manta – now BS4. Now 2 Heavy Railguns (D weapons) vs used to be one twin-linked Heavy Railgun. More detailed explanations of what units can be transported on what decks.

Orca Access Points: Rear Transport ramp. Up to 4 units can disembark per turn.

Manta tranport summary:
Upper Deck = 55 models, infantry models and drones only
Lower Deck = 145 models. This can be up to 8 Crisis or Broadside (counting as 3 models each). This can also be up to 4 vehicles (counting as 30 models each, and the vehicles themselves can can carry units without counting towards this).

Tiger Shark AX-1-0 – adds options to take Blacksun filter and Disruption pods for additional points.

Tiger Shark – adds options to take Blacksun filter and Disruption pods for additional points. Wierdness – has one Access Point, but no longer has Transport entry (used to transport 14 models).

Piranha TX-42 – now BS4

DX-6 ‘Remora’ Drone Fighter – now BS3, was previously BS 2(3).

Dark Eldar Raven Strike Fighter – now a Flyer in Apocalypse besides Skimmer, Fast. Now 125 points. Has special Deep Strike reroll rule. Now has Splinterstorm Cannon instead of Splinter Cannon, Splinterstrom is Heavy 10 poisoned (4+). Can also take Night Shields and/or Flickerfield for additional points.

Angron the Unbound. Has 24” Jump pack equivalent move. Now BS4. Has 2+ ability to nullify psychic attacks against him. Now counts as having Assault grenades and gets +d6 attacks when charging. No longer need to possess a model to get on the battlefield.

Zarakynel. Initiative now 10 (was 5). No longer need to possess a model to get on the battlefield. It’s sword now inflicts instant death (but loses ability to ignore invulnerable saves and wound on 4+). Units in close assault must pass leadership every turn to strike blows. Has a 36” Str 6 AP3 shooting attack now.

Scaeiathrax the Bloated - ). No longer need to possess a model to get on the battlefield. Now only has 6 wounds (used to have 10). Toxic Dischange is now a Hellstorm template instead of a flamer template. Now has a movement limitation of 6” despite being a Gargantuan Creature. No longer has Aura of Decay – instead now makes all non-daemons within 6” take a Toughness test each turn or take a wound with no cover or normal saves allowed. Now has Feel No Pain and Assault Grenades.

Chaos Warhound Titan – now can be Possessed for 50 points (ignore Gun Crew Shaken and Driver Stunned).

Giant Chaos Spawn – now 120 points instead of 140. Now has Feel No Pain.

Hell Talon – now 185 points (was 135). The Autocannon is now an AA mount. Also says it’s a Reaper Autocannon, but the profile they printed is a standard Autocannon. Can be possessed for 20 points.

Hell Blade – can be possessed for 20 points. Type is now Skimmer, Fast , Flyer (was only a Flyer before). Has Aerial Assault and Supersonic Rule (can shoot all weapons at cruising speed and can move 36” when going flat out respectively).

Dreadclaw - can reroll Deep Strike mishap results. Type is now Skimmer, Flyer, Hover mode, with the note that it can move normally after it has arrived. 

 3 Caestus Assault Rams, each with a squad inside that arrive on Turns 1-3 (players choice) via Deep Strike and doesn't count against the Reserves you can bring in. When they arrive, they have a Melta Torpedo special strike anywhere on the table Str6 AP3 Apocalyptic Barrage (3), Melta. The formation costs 50 points. 

From Apoc40k

Волк в кельтской мифологии

The wolf is a cunning, intelligent creature, capable of out-thinking hunters.  It can teach us how to read the signs of nature in everything, how to pass by danger invisibly, how to outwit those who wish you harm, and how to fight when needed.  Sometimes the wolf, when seen on a journey, will lead you to a spiritual teacher and guide.

понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.