
понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

Слухи о ДА, десмарки и очередной пруф фейка

AbusePuppy  с 3++ докинул еще пять центов  в сторону фейковости пдфки 6ки

Ya because a broken ruleset and lack of balance was fun... Regardless of what you think of them, they are unfinished and still have glaring holes in them. Please, create an underground following for this ^^. (and yes if these were, or are real, we will deal with it when it comes)

Anyway, whilst this is supposedly confirming the fakeness of said leak in relation to what we can expect from 6th edition, we still don't have actual proof though I wouldn't be surprsied if this was correct.

So...no new stats, no superheavies, no assault before shooting and no news on the terrible concept of who goes first and stratgems...oh joy. Yet of course one of the recent books will love 6th edition because it was 'designed for it.' Construct validity a bit lacking there but one can hope (particularly if they aren't actually going to FAQ everything).

Как я и говорил о пдфке - это фейк и микс фишлистинга. Хорошо, что вся убогость, которая могла убить мою любимую игру, 100% не попадет в 6ку.

А теперь, немного правды о 6ке:

1. Чардж после ДП, без каких либо ограничений.
2. Новые правила на инициативу в хтх.
3. Снижение кавра для техники и ареа.
4. Появление новых типов террейна.
5. Рендомный террейн на столе, который в том числе будет давать плюшки армии, например арсенал - рерол на ту хит в стрельбе.
6. 6 типов миссий, 3 миссии с 2 целями.
7. Отдельная вставка по апоку и прочим расширениям.
8. Большее влияние индепов на отряд.
9. Таблица на бросок инициативы в начале игры, что-то похожее на ту, что была во времена 3ки, но интереснее и лучше.
10. Изменение выхода из резервов.

Что же касается ДА... это фейк. Никакой информации и тем более их скорого выхода не предвидится.  Слух выжат из пальцев, только на основе корешка ВД.

Да, там Дашник, но связано это совсем с другой вещью. Но это большой секрет.

Ну, и ответ судьи GW на вопрос могут ли десмарки поставить маркер на другой отряд после редеплоя: "Yes but the previous marked unit is lost" (GW).

воскресенье, 29 января 2012 г.

Leman Russ... наконец-то!

kabuki models наконец-то выпустили приличную миньку Русса! Ура!

Миниатюра будет выпущена 07/04/12, но пред. заказ уже есть!

суббота, 28 января 2012 г.

Space Wolves Company + Logan Grimnar Company WIP progress

Space Wolves Army – update January 2012

Покрашенные (painted)
Не покрашенные (not painted)
Даже не собранные (not even assembled)

7 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 145 Pts
     Power Weapon; Flamer; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

8 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 175 Pts
     Power Fist; Meltagun; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

8 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 165 Pts
     Power Weapon; Meltagun; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

8 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 165 Pts
     Power Weapon; Meltagun; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

8 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 165 Pts
     Power Weapon; Meltagun; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

7 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 115 Pts
     Plasma Gun

4 Blood Claws Pack (Troops) @ 215 Pts

     1 Lukas the Trickster @ [140] Pts

7 Blood Claws Pack (Troops) @ 105 Pts

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 140 Pts
     Missile Launcher (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 140 Pts
     Missile Launcher (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 140 Pts
     Missile Launcher (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 230 Pts
     Lascannon (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [30] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; Plasma Gun

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 130 Pts
     Heavy Bolter (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [30] Pts
          CC Weapon; Plasma Gun

5 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 110 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; CC Weapons; Meltagun; Melta Bombs

5 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 110 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; CC Weapons; Meltagun; Melta Bombs

5 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 97 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; CC Weapon; Sniper Rifle (x4); Missile Launcher

5 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 105 Pts
     Plasma Pistol (x1); Bolt Pistols; CC Weapons; Plasma Gun

1 Iron Priest (Elites) @ 140 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Thunder Hammer; Saga of the Iron Wolf

     3 Cyberwolves @ [45] Pts

     3 Thrall-servitors @ [30] Pts
          Servo-Arms (x3)

8 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 370 Pts
     CC Weapons; Power Fist (x3); Combi-melta (x8)

     2 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [126] Pts
          Storm Bolters; Power Weapons; Cyclone missile launcher (x2)

6 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 405 Pts
     Power Fist (x3); Thunder Hammer (x3); Combi-melta (x6)

     4 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [132] Pts
          Storm Bolters; Power Weapons

1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 115 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Multi-melta; Heavy Flamer

1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 115 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Multi-melta; Heavy Flamer

1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 145 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Twin Lascannon; Heavy Flamer

1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 145 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Twin Lascannon; Heavy Flamer

1 Bjorn the Fell-Handed (HQ) @ 270 Pts
     Assault Cannon

1 Venerable Dreadnought (Elites) @ 225 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Twin Heavy Bolter; Heavy Flamer; Extra Armour; Wolf Tail
     Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace; Saga of Majesty

1 Wolf Priest (HQ) @ 135 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Runic Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Wolf Priest (HQ) @ 135 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Terminator Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Wolf Priest (HQ) @ 135 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Runic Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Rune Priest (HQ) @ 135 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Runic Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Rune Priest (HQ) @ 135 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Runic Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Rune Priest (HQ) @ 120 Pts
     Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter

1 Rune Priest (HQ) @ 120 Pts
     Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter

1 Ragnar Blackmane (HQ) @ 240 Pts

1 Njal Stormcaller (HQ) @ 245 Pts
     Runic Armour

1 Logan Grimnar (HQ) @ 275 Pts

1 Canis Wolfborn (HQ) @ 185 Pts

1 Ulrik the Slayer (HQ) @ 180 Pts

1 Wolf Lord (HQ) @ 250 Pts
     Storm Shield; Wolf Claw (x1); Melta Bombs; Runic Armour; Thunderwolf
     Mount; Wolf Tail Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace; Saga of Majesty

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 310 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Power Fist; Storm Shield (x1); Boltgun (x1); Melta Bombs

15 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

15 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

15 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 90 Pts

     1 Land Speeder Typhoon @ [90] Pts
          Heavy Bolter; Typhoon missile launcher

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 90 Pts

     1 Land Speeder Typhoon @ [90] Pts
          Heavy Bolter; Typhoon missile launcher

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 70 Pts

     1 Land Speeder Tornado @ [70] Pts
          Heavy Flamer; Multi-melta

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 70 Pts

     1 Land Speeder Tornado @ [70] Pts
          Heavy Flamer; Multi-melta

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 70 Pts

     1 Land Speeder Tornado @ [70] Pts
          Heavy Flamer; Multi-melta

1 Land Raider (Heavy Support) @ 275 Pts
     Pintle-mounted Multi-melta; Extra Armour

1 Land Raider Crusader (Heavy Support) @ 275 Pts
     Pintle-mounted Multi-melta; Extra Armour

1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 130 Pts
     Hunter-killer Missile; Dozer Blade

1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 130 Pts
     Hunter-killer Missile; Dozer Blade

1 Predator (Heavy Support) @ 130 Pts
     Autocannon; Sponson Lascannons (x2); Hunter-killer Missile

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 645 Pts

     1 Arjac Rockfist @ [170] Pts

     9 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [457] Pts
          Storm Bolters; Power Weapons; Chainfist (x2); Wolf Claw (x4);
          Combi-melta (x4); Storm Shield (x2); Cyclone missile launcher (x2)

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 275 Pts

     5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [275] Pts
          Chainfist (x1); Wolf Claw (x4); Combi-melta (x3); Storm Shield (x2);
          Cyclone missile launcher

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 230 Pts

     5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [230] Pts
          Power Weapon; Chainfist (x1); Wolf Claw (x3); Combi-melta (x3); Storm
          Shield (x1); Heavy Flamer

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 235 Pts

     5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [235] Pts
          Chainfist (x1); Wolf Claw (x4); Combi-melta (x3); Storm Shield (x1);
          Heavy Flamer

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 275 Pts

     5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [275] Pts
          Chainfist (x1); Wolf Claw (x4); Combi-melta (x3); Storm Shield (x2);
          Cyclone missile launcher

1 Lone Wolf (Elites) @ 105 Pts
     Terminator Armour; Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

1 Wolf Lord (HQ) @ 230 Pts
     Melta Bombs; Terminator Armour; Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer; Wolftooth
     Necklace; Saga of the Warrior Born

8 x Rhino (Other) @ 35 Pts

8 x Drop Pod (Other) @ 35 Pts

2 xLucius Drop Pod (Other) @ 50 Pts

0 Cestus (Other) @ 275 Pts

10 Skyclaw Assault Pack (Fast Attack) @ 200 Pts
     Flamer; Mark of the Wulfen

10 Skyclaw Assault Pack (Fast Attack) @ 200 Pts
     Flamer; Mark of the Wulfen
10 Skyclaw Assault Pack (Fast Attack) @ 200 Pts
     Flamer; Mark of the Wulfen

1 Wolf Priest (HQ) @ 160 Pts
     Bolt Pistol; Melta Bombs; Jump Pack; Runic Armour; Wolftooth Necklace

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @
     Multi-melta (x3)

     1 Squad Leader @ [25] Pts
          CC Weapon; Meltagun

0 Fellblade (Other) @ 600 Pts

0 Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) @ 255 Pts

     5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour @ [255] Pts
          Storm Bolters; Chainfist (x2); Power Fist (x3); Assault Cannon

0 Wulfen Pack (Other) @ 240 Pts

0 Wulfen Pack (Other) @ 240 Pts

1 Contemptor Dreadnought (Elites) @ 205 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Heavy Bolter; Heavy Flamer; Wolftooth Necklace

1 Contemptor Dreadnought (Elites) @ 220 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Chainfist; Heavy Flamer; Wolftooth Necklace
1 Contemptor Dreadnought (Elites) @ 230 Pts
     Drednought CCW; Chainfist; 2 x Heavy Flamer; Wolftooth Necklace

Russian Alternative


Ну, что можно сказать, молодцы, очень  круто!!!

вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

Мартовские иды

via Bramgaunt
Just to be clear about it: There is a planed 40k event in late febuary, but I was told that there was no actual release associated with it. Therefor I assumed that the Tyranid-wave will be first saturday of march. Same day as the 40k event is the release of the 25 years of Warhammer 40k White Dwarf, and it would be the day preorders started. Now, a world-wide 40k happening with staffers going nuts over Tyranid and Necron Preorders sounds exactly like something GW would do.

Also, I'd be more than happy to be wrong about the "nothing but LotR in feb" part, but I think LotR players deserve a month of their own =)

Since White Dwarfs should be on their ways right now I expect pictures to show up soon, anyway. 

A follow up via Bramgaunt
Feb issue should be on it's ways now, as it's released this saturday.

Again, I am not dead certain that there is nothing 40k related in feb, but my sources have been very specific. These ones have been accurate so far, I just pass on the information. Again, we will see in a couple of days. (Or, with the current WD leaks, more likely in the next 24 hours.)

понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

Легалайз ит!


A1. Yes, but we operate as a small (but perfectly formed) separate division from the company that makes and sells the main Games Workshop range of products. We are not connected with the US company that used the same name many years back for production of resin Warhammer 40,000 vehicles under licence.
Пардоньте, тестил с андроида блогеровскую прогу, оказалось, есть "особенности" )) 

суббота, 21 января 2012 г.

Новости о фейке 6ки и слухи о хсм

Apparently someone has claimed on 4chan that the leak is actually their gameclub's homebrew rules, which a member gave a 'GW' look to. Must have plenty of time on their hands!

There's even a report that the person who made it recently got in touch with GW Legal to see if there was any liability on their part. The guys from GW informed him that as it wasn't an official GW product he was fine!

If this is true I'd hate to be those people who, thinking it was the new 6th Ed., had started buying units for armies to use with these rules. 


I again here mention from my GW buddies in Memphis, that sets of sprues that are Legion specific will finally come! Chaos of course being the first sets, though i'm told Terminator and regular Space Marine sprues will be sold separately. Once the Chaos Legions sprues hit, the Legions/Chapters still dedicated to the throne of Terra shall follow.

Chaos Space Marines will receive a boxed set, with ALL the needed option upgrades included for standard gear, and new sets for Berzerkers, Noise Marines, Plague Marines and Thousand Sons will follow with MUCH nicer sculpts. 

So basically, all the Legions will buy the same boxed set for the majority of their models, but to make them Legion specific, separate sprues will be sold which will include shoulder pads, heads, banners, few weapons, etc. Terminators will also get separate sprues made available to them to become Legion specific.