вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.
воскресенье, 25 мая 2014 г.
четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.
7ка, что нас ждет
Из испанской книги правил
Снапшоты и консолидация - как в 6ке
Скоринг в 3, все, кроме летающих, бегущих, свармы, или спец. правила, что не могут, не захваченных зданий
Все то же самое, можно кастить, ездить, чинить, использовать броски на резерв, использовать эффекты варлорда и теперь можно кататься в транспорте.
В 1" не ходи, все то же самое, кастить нельзя, подвержены всем негативным эффектам союзников, считаются "врагами".
То же самое, если в 6 тупят на 1 в броске на д6.
Как десперейт но не могут деплоится в 12.
Психический транс
Если берешь одну школу, праймари получаешь на халяву
Хаос может выбирать между 2 школами, которые взял и обязательной.
Выход из резерва
Нельзя чарджить, нельзя использовать спец правила, способности и вообще что-либо, что нужно сделать на начало хода.
Трейты варлода очень сильно поменяли, особенно тактические, там взаимодействие с картами обжективов, теперь это маст хев.
При денае кидаем д6 за каждый варп чардж, +1 за псайкера в отряде, на который кастуют, +1 за адамантиум вил, +1 если лвл псайкера в отряде выше. Все только если кастуешь на отряд противника.
Капюшон дает возможность в 12 от отряда применять эти же модификаторы.
Капюшон действует не только на свои юниты и модели, а на любые, то есть на блезинги, вызовы и прочее оппонента тоже, если ты в 12 от модели, на которую кастует оппонент.
Во всех остальных случаях денай на 6 только, то есть блесинги и прочие касты только на 6 можно отменить.
ХП на гленсах не теряются, хп на пнях только на 6ки.
Чардж через диф: -2 на общую дальность чарджа, то есть на 1,1 нельзя прочарджить никак.
Тактические трейты
1. Пока варлорд жив на конец хода можно выташить до 2 тактических обжективов активных вместо используемых
2. Одноразовое. На конец одного из ходов. Твой опонент обязан поменять один свой ТО на рендомный.
3. Сгенерировать дополнительный ТО на первый ход
4. Можно на первый ход сменить все свои ТО вязытые перед игрой.
5. Можно реролить ролы по определению ВП за алтернативные ТО
6. Любой ТО который контролится варлордом и\или его юнитом приносит +1 ВП всегда.
среда, 21 мая 2014 г.
Perils of the Warp, Vehicle Damage Chart and Psychic Disciplines Chart
1-3 Crew Shaken: vehicle only firing snap shots like normal
4 Crew Stunned: vehicle only firing snap shots and cannot move or pivot. Zooming flyers cannot turn and must move 18".
5 Weapon Destroyed: as normal and if all weapons have run out of ammunition or or already destroyed count as immobilized
6 Immobilized: Chariots count as Crew Stunned, Flyers 1-2 flyer crashes with Crash and Burn rule. 3+ it counts as crew stunned.An already immobilized vehicle suffering another immobilized result loses an additional hull point.
7+Explodes: D6 radius for a Strenth 4 hit on nearby units. vehicle destroyed
Crash and Burn: lg blast and scatters 2d6 for S6 hits.
Wrecked vehicles are those that lose all their hull points. becomes scenery
1. Dragged into the Warp: Psyker takes a leadership test, if passed suffers 1 wound or glancing hit no saves.if failed he is removed as a casualty and his unit takes d6 S6 AP1 hits. The hits come from the psyker for allocation
2. Mental Purge: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. randomly select one power from the psyker. its lost for the rest of the game.
3. Power Drain: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. if its the psychic phase, both players lose d3 warp charge points
4. Psychic Backlash: Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves.
5. Empyric Feedback: Psyker takes a leadership test. if failed Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. If passed no effect.
6. Warp Surge Psyker takes a leadership test. if failed Psyker suffers 1 wound/glancing hit no saves. If passed psyker gains a 3+ invul, fleshbane, armour bane, and smash until the next friendly psychic phase.
вторник, 20 мая 2014 г.
More about 7th edition!
Everyone but tyranids have access to the Daemonology Discipline, which is broken down into two sets of powers, Sanctic and Maelfic.
Grey Knights can use Sanctic powers but not Maelfic ones.
All other psykers can use Sanctic powers but suffer perils on any doubles whether successful or not.
Daemons can use Maelfic powers but not Sanctic.
All other pskyers can use Maelfic powers but suffer perils on any doubles whether successful or not.
10.) Splitfire USR no longer needs a Leadership test to perform, it presumably just works like declaring normal shots.
9.) Unit Coherency adjusted to 6" vertically presumably to account for precarious placements of assaulting models on Citadel terrain.
8.) Turn Sequence hinted at as Movement, Psychic, Shooting, Assault
7.) Each player starts with three? Tactical Objective cards, and can discard/draw one each turn.
6.) Introduction of "factions" for what can be fielded in what combination in "Combined Arms and Allied" Detachments
5.) New Detachments in Battle-Forged Armies called "Combined Arms and Allied".
4.) Now groups of weapons resolve their fire (hitting, wounding, and making armor saves etc.) for each group of like weapons separately.
3.) Exploding a vehicle now happens on a d6 roll of "7" so bringing the big guns with high Armor Penetration values to bear may be paramount now for most lists.
2.) The new rulebook will contain the rules for Super Heavy Vehicles, Gargantuan Creatures, and Destroyer Weapons.
1.) All Units in 40k are now scoring. However Troops taken in Battle-Forged lists get a new rule called "Objective Secured" that allows them to deny other scoring units, while scoring objectives themselves.
Changes to Unit Coherency
Adjusted to 6" vertically presumably to account for precarious placements of assaulting models on Citadel terrain.
The BRB rulebook does allow for models to lend attacks when within 6" of locked model while in "ruins" currently so this may be a neat attempt to clean that little nuance up.
Shooting Attacks (I say "attack" loosely because RAW we can't seem to find where shooting is even classified 100% as a shooting attack in the BRB).
Splitfire no longer needs a Leadership test to perform, it presumably just works like declaring normal shots.
Now groups of weapons resolve their fire (hitting, wounding, and making armor saves etc.) for each group of like weapons separately. That opens up a lot of tactical flexibility for sure, as far as placement of models etc...
All of the Vehicles
Exploding a vehicle now happens on a d6 roll of "7" so bringing the big guns with high Armor Penetration values to bear may be paramount now for most lists.
Hull Points are still stripped per normal, but killing them outright should now take the most dedicated of weapons (or just getting lucky with convention weapons against open top vehicles).
Boots on the Ground
All Units in 40k are now scoring.
However Troops taken in Battle-Forged lists get a new rule called "Objective Secured" that allows them to deny other scoring units, while scoring objectives themselves.
Battle-Forged Armies
Force Organization = 1 HQ, 1 Troop, and X "Detachments" (See below)
Get to re-roll Warlord Trait and troops in BF armies obtain the "Objective Secured" special rule.
Allies Chart?
New Detachments in Battle-Forged Armies called "Combined Arms and Allied".
Introduction of "factions" for what can be fielded in what combination in each of the two new detachments previous.
Tactical Objectives
Each player starts with three? Tactical Objective cards, and can discard/draw one each turn.
Cards requiring players to hold Objectives can not be discarded, and some cards interact differently with some of the new Malestorm of War missions.
Turn Sequence
Hinted at as Movement, Psychic, Shooting, Assault
Assaulting though difficult terrain is now just a flat -2".
Psychic Phase
If you roll for all powers of one discipline you get the primaris power for free.
Perils of the Warp has at least three results which all sound very scary.
Perils is on any casting result containing two sixes (boxcars)
New Psychic Discipline "Sanctic" still unspoiled.
All of the Rules
The new rulebook will contain the rules for Super Heavy Vehicles, Gargantuan Creatures, and Destroyer Weapons.