
понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

Апокалипсис: Судный день - Тираниды против Империума

Дата: 13 апреля.
Длительность: с 10 часов до 21.
Место: клуб Ландскнехт (Москва, м. Шаболовская, 7 минут от метро)
Формат: 20-35++к на сторону

Бекграунд: Империум отбил нападение на хайв и стремится не потерять инициативу, тираниды перегруппировались и собираются контратаковать.
Ограничения: визивиг, покрас (минимум 3 цвета), только хорошее настроение.
Действует апочный фак. http://goo.gl/qinok
Регистрация на апок: http://forums.warforge.ru/index.php?showtopic=151498&st=0#entry2853960

Участие в игре - 200 р.  


Тираниды ходят первыми
Точки расставляются до деплоймента.
Расстановка террейна – сюжетная. Фортификации выставляются до расстановки, по правилам сюжетной битвы.


Тот, кто заработает больше всего победных очков - победил.


Lord of War
Каждая сторона выбирает своего военачальника. См. Фак. Это может быть независимый персонаж, монстр, суперхеви или гаргантюа, у него должен быть самый большой показатель лидерства в армии.

1. Никаких фортификаций даже если они получаются за счет формаций. Никаких батлфилд ассетов.
2. Home Ground: Enemy units are defending an important base they occupied for some time. To represent this all enemy units have Move Trough Cover and Stubborn special rules.
3. Tyranid Fighters: The Space Marines have learnt how best to fight the Tyranids. All space marines units have the Preferred Enemy universal special rule.
4. Free stratagems: Trophy Kill (enemy Lord of War), On my Coordinates!, Tank Riders, Crusade Banner, Hold At All Cost.
5. Fire Support: The artillery placed on Saint Crassus’s Hill may fire upon the main table. If any Imperial Guard Command Squad containing a vox or master of fleet has line of sight to a target, then the scatter dice may be re-rolled.

1. They're Coming!: All Monstrous Creatures and Gargantuan Creatures in the attacking force deployed to the table at the start of the game gain the Scout special rule on the first turn of the game. (Note these units may not Outflank in this case).
2. Rampage!: All Monstrous Creatures and Gargantuan Creatures in the Attacking force gain a 6+ Invulnerable save in this game (unless they already possess a better one!) and may re-roll any sweeping advances.
3. Adapt or Die: The Tyranids have adapted themselves to the terrain on the planet. All Tyranid units, except gargantuan creatures, have the Stealth universal special rule.
4. War Without End: The war is a ceaseless, uncaring meat-grinder into which troops and materiel is endlessly fed and fresh replacements are always waiting to take up the battle from the fallen. Before the game begins, Tyranid´s players receive five War without End tokens (any handy tokens, skull counters or poker chips, etc, are good for this).
During the course of the game, every time a war machine or Legendary Unit is completely destroyed, the owning side may opt to spend a War without End token and place it back in their Strategic Reserve. The model or formation may then re-enter play normally on their following turn. These models represent fresh 'replacements' and they are completely undamaged, etc, and start with the normal basic profile.
Independent characters, Gargantuan Creature with more than six wounds, Super-Heavies with more than five Structure Points as well as 'unique' creatures such as Daemon Lords may not benefit from this rule.
Note that transported units, etc, that are lost when something is destroyed are not returned with the replacement model.
5. Free brood nests, 5x capillary towers.
6. Free stratagems: Spore chimneys, World Digestion, Ambush, Camouflage, Surgical Raids.
7. Hypertrophic Flora

When declared: Pre-game
When declared, this stratagem allows the attacker to place up to D3 woods and up to D6 pieces of hypertrophic flora (be no larger than 6" x 6") anywhere on the battlefield that is not inside another piece of terrain. The hypertrophic flora should be represented by alien fungi, razorg rass, bloodthorn bushes and the like (clumps of lichen are ideal). Hypertrophic flora confers a 4+ cover save.

8. Bird‐Strike: At the start of any turn when an enemy flyer or fast skimmer has been deployed, the Tyranid player may choose to fly a single Gargoyle brood in play of at least ten models into the deployed unit. This causes 2d6 unsavable wounds on the Gargoyle Brood and causes d6-2 glancing hits on the flyer or fast skimmer. The unit may benefit from an Obscured cover save and may use Jink. Once this attack has occurred, the Flyer may complete its move as normal (provided it is still in the air). Should the Gargoyle Brood be destroyed it is worth Kill Points as normal. Surviving Gargoyles are placed into reserve and are deployed next turn as normal.

Brood Nest

A Brood Nest can be bought as upgrade for the following Tyranid Broods:
Broodlord + Genestealers, Gaunts, Hormagaunts, Genestealers, Ripper Swarms, Spore Mine cluster. If a Brood takes a Brood Nest, then they automatically begin the game in reserve (hidden within the nest). When the Brood arrive from reserve they will enter the table from the Brood Nest. When the nesting brood arrive, deploy them within 6" of the nest. They may fire weapons in the run they arrive, but may not assault.
Deployment: A Brood Nest can Infiltrate. It may be set up anywhere on the table that is more than 12" from an enemy unit, if no deployed enemy unit can draw a line of sight to it. Alternatively they may be set up anywhere on the table that is more than 18" from an enemy unit, even if it can be seen. A Brood nest can always Infiltrate regardless of the scenario special rules being used.
Points: A Brood Nest's points values is equal to the number of wounds nesting inside, times 3. So if 10 Genestealers are inside, the Brood Nest costs 30 pts. If 32 Hormagaunts are Inside, then the Brood Nest costs 96 pts.
Destroying a Brood Nest: A Brood Nest can be attacked and destroyed before the nesting brood has emerged. A Brood Nest can be targeted by enemy fire exactly like any other enemy unit It has the following stat line:
T W Sv
5 3 5+
If a Brood Nest is reduced to 0 Wounds it is destroyed and the Brood within may no longer use it as an entry point. The nesting brood must enter from the Tyranid's own board edge instead.

Spore Chimney

A Spore Chimney is impassable terrain that cannot be passed over by skimmers or jump pack troops. The chimney pumps out spores to pollute the atmosphere. At the start of each Tyranid player's turn roll a dice; on a 6. the Spore Chimney releases 2D6 Spore Mines, in clusters of up to 3 spores, scattering from the centre of the chimney. The Tyranid player can choose the type before rolling for scatter.
If a non-Tyranid weapon hits the Spore Chm accidentally as a result of a scatter etc, then 2D6 Spore Mines are immediately scattered from centre of the Spore Chimney. The Tyranid player choose the type before rolling for scatter.

Capillary Towers

Capillary Towers are impassable terrain. Skimmers and jump pack or jet pack equipped troops may not move over a Capillary Tower. The presence of Capillary Towers on the table shows that the world the battle is being fought on is in an advanced state of infestation. The power of the Hive Mind is starting to take over, casting its shadow in the Warp.
If there are 3 or more Capillary Towers on a battlefield the entire area counts as having the Hive Mnd power 'The Shadow in the Warp' upon it. All Psychic tests made by the enemy during the game arena on 3D6, discounting the lowest roll. Any Perils 0f the Warp results are nullified, and the power will pass' fail as normal.


Помимо базовых стратагем (по максимальному количеству игроков);

Империум получает стратегемы: Trophy Kill (enemy Lord of War), On my Coordinates!, Tank Riders, Crusade Banner, Hold At All Cost.

Тираниды получают стратегемы: Spore chimneys, World Digestion, Ambush, Camouflage, Surgical Raids.

In the early stages of a Tyranid invasion great clouds of microscopic spores are released into a planet's atmosphere from spore chimneys, causing the air itself to thicken into a choking fog.
When Revealed: Before deployment
Effect the player that chose this asset is avowed to place up to three spore chimneys anywhere in their deployment or no-man's land. Any shooting from at a unit within 12" of a spore chimney must be carried out according to the night fight special rules.

The Tyranid invasion has reached its final stage as the world itself begins to turn against its inhabitants Great lakes of digestive acid open up in the ground, ravenous plant-life sprouts and the very earth is infested with Tyranid organisms
When Revealed: Before deployment
Effect The player that chose this asset is allowed to place up to six of the following obstacles anywhere m their deployment area or in no-mans land None of these obstacles may be larger than 6" in diameter You may choose a variety of obstacles, so long as the total number does not exceed six.

• Digestion Pool: the digestion pool is impassable terrain to all infantry ant inflicts a glancing hit to any vehicle crossing it on the rol of a 4+.
• Ravenous Plant Life: The area of ravenous plant counts as dangerous terrain to non-Tyranid models. In addition, any non-Tyranid model moving to within 6” o the area must take a dangerous terrain test.
• Swarm Tunnel: Genestealers, Termagants, Hormagaunts and Ripper Swarms held in strategic reserve may enter the table from a swarm tunnel following the same rules as the Tunnels asset.


Скорит troops choice. Вариант А по факу.


Тираниды могу использовать этот ассет без ограничений, имперцы используют второй вариант из ФАКа.


1. Убить военачальника (5 очков для тиранидов, 8 для имперцев): сторона выбирает варлорда, им может быть суперхеви, гаргантюа, монстр или независимый персонаж. Окончательно убить варлорда может только независимый персонаж или другой варлорд, в противном случае на следующий ход варлорд встает с одной раной. Выполнение задачи приносит 5 очков. Варлорд не может находится в резерве

Duel To The Death: In t his scenario a warlord may only be killed by an attack made by the opposing warlord or independent character or. If a warlord is slain by any other method, they are left standing with one wound remaining.

Hive Tyrant: One of the tyranid HQ, monster creature or gargantuan units (owning player’s choice) must be nominated as the army’s Lord of War. The Lord of War, and any friendly unit within 12", gains the Fearless and Counterattack special rules when fighting in this mission. In addition, as the Lord of War represents the meanest, toughest, smartest leader in the enemy army, he gains +D3 Wounds, Attacks and Leadership (to a maximum of 10), Eternal Warrior and It Will Not Die special rules.

2. Убить 50+% армии противника (3 очка).
3. Отравить улей (5+D6 очков): А) нужно убить синапс крича, на 4+ сторона получает ДНК улья. Если в отряде есть модель с нарцесиумом, серво харнесом, фангом моркаи и проч, добавьте +1 к броску. Б) как только ДНК будет получено, на следующих ход вы можете отравить улей, чтобы сделать это нужно встать в бтб с капиллярной башней моделью с нарцесиумом, серво харнесом, фангом моркаи и проч.
4. Отбить\удержать пси-реле (5 очков). Имперцы должны доставить сквад псайеров или любого псайкера 2-ого и выше уровня в это здание, встать в плотную к точке и пройти психический тест с пенальти -1 за каждое синапс-существо в 12 от псайкеров.

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