
вторник, 21 мая 2013 г.

June Games Workshop release

60030104005 978178253019-0 46-01-60 CODEX: ELDAR (ENGLISH) Codex/Army Book 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 59.5 49.5

60220104001 501192104666-9 46-02-60 WH40K PSYCHIC POWERS: ELDAR ENG Hobby Product 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD AWSL 9 7.5

99070104001 501192199806-7 46-05 ELDAR FARSEER Plastic Clam 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 25 20

99120104030 501192103163-4 46-25 ELDAR WRAITHKNIGHT Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 140 115

99120104031 501192104708-6 46-13 ELDAR WRAITHGUARD Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 60 50

99120104032 501192104726-0 46-14 ELDAR HEMLOCK WRAITHFIGHTER Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 80 65

99120104033 501192104709-3 46-15 ELDAR DIRE AVENGERS Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 40 35

99120104034 501192104727-7 46-10 ELDAR BATTLEFORCE Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 140 115

99120104035 501192104728-4 46-06 ELDAR WINDRIDER JETBIKE SQUADRON Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 45 40

99800104026 501192104661-4 46-64 ELDAR SPIRITSEER Finecast Clam 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Splash 21.75 19.25

99800104027 501192104663-8 46-65 ILLIC NIGHTSPEAR Finecast Clam 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Splash 21.75 19.25

99120101101 501192104729-1 48-28 SPACE MARINE SCOUT BIKE SQUAD Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 45 40

99120101102 501192104730-7 48-11 SPACE MARINE BIKE SQUAD Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 45 40

99120102040 501192104731-4 43-08 CHAOS BIKERS Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 45 40

99120110025 501192104734-5 49-08 NECRON DESTROYERS Plastic Box 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 RTD Range 60 50

99800104028 501192104830-4 - ELDAR AUTARCH ON JETBIKE UPGRADE KIT Finecast Clam 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 D Range 21.75 19.25

60040104003 978178253027-5 - CODEX: ELDAR LIMITED EDITION Other Book 25-May-13 1-Jun-13 D AWSL 120 100

60030104006 978178253107-4 - IYANDEN: A CODEX ELDAR SUPPLEMENT Codex/Army Book 15-Jun-13 15-Jun-13 D Range 59.5 49.5

60040104004 978178253113-5 - IYANDEN CODEX SUPPLEMENT SPECIAL EDITION Other Book 15-Jun-13 15-Jun-13 D AWSL 100 8

via Powerguy from Dakka
- From what I saw all the non Wraith infantry have the run/shoot shoot/run ability (the rule was called Battle something). Avengers definitely do (from the report) and Rangers definitely do (from tiny printed profile in the WD) as well. Not sure if its just for Shuriken weapons (Rangers do have Pistols I guess).
- It looks likes all Eldar have the 'Ancient Foe' special rule, no idea what this does but I suspect its something like Hatred Daemons of Slaneesh (don't think it was Necron related as the report was against Crons) since all Eldar appear to have it (including the Wraith units).
- There are 14 Eldar specific psychic powers from 2 different charts, Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate. However it looks like several of the powers are 2 in 1, i.e they have a buff mode and a debuff mode, so there are actually HEAPS of powers. I.e the Primaris for Battle is Conceal/Reveal (as a single card/roll etc), Conceal gives you Shrouded and Reveal removes Shrouded from an enemy. The 1 on the Battle Chart was Destructor/Renew(?), Destructor being the same as before with Soul Blaze added and Renew allowing you to restore a wound to a friendy model within range (18" I think). Primaris for Runes of Fate was Guide, which is now 24" range but is otherwise the exact same as before. Very surprising to see this as aside from the range it is far worse than the Divination Primaris (although I guess you could take both and effectively Guide two units). The 1 on the Fate Chart was a terrible Focuses Witchfire power. Fortune and Doom are still options (the Farseer in the report had
them) and appear to have the same effects.
- The Avatar has Fleet. Also one of the psychic powers increases your movement speed/charge range somehow
- The Wraithknight is insanely huge, it is literally twice the height of a Wraithlord, and the sword option it can take is basically the size of a Wraithlord as well. It can take up to 2 Suncannons, which are S6 AP2 Heavy 3 Small Blast or up to 2 Wraithlances(?) which are presumably the heavy anti tank option. Sword replaces one of the big guns I think (they are arm mounted like the Titans). This is in addition to the two shoulder mounted heavy weapons (I saw Scatters and Starcannons, so presumably the normal range of heavy weapons are available)
- Wraithguard and Wraithblades look good, think scaled down Wraithlords. They looked a bit bigger than the old ones, but I think it was partly just the added range of motion in the poses on 40mm bases (similar to the old 25mm base Terminators vs the newer 40mm base ones, they are bigger but the better poses help as well). Wraithguard can now get either Wraithcannons (which from the fluff descriptions seemed to still be single shot and very powerful) or D Scythes which were described as a multi shot weapon but it could still Pen vehicles on a 6. Wraithblades are only 1A base (sadly) but looked like they could go either 2 CCW (no idea on stats of their weapons, but they appeared to have sword/axe options) or 1 CCW + Shield gen arm.
- Wraithguard are definitely S5 T6, Lord is almost certainly not T6 (a full unit of Destroyers shot one in the report and did nothing, which suggests T8 or some other equivalent buff). No idea on the stats for the Knight.
- It looks like Aspect Warriors have the same base profile, include Exarches with Ld9
- Reapers have Slow and Purposeful
- Rangers have WS4. They also have a character (not sure if he is upgrade or HQ) who has a 120" range Sniper Rifle.
- One of the fliers has 2 Heavy D Scythes on the wings and a psychic based main gun. The other has 2 Bright Lances and a Pulse Laser.
- Saw stats for what looked like special weapons for characters, might have been for Special Characters as well since the 120" range sniper was in there. One weapon was +2S, AP- Melee, Rending, Fleshbane, Instant Death. Another was +1S AP3, Soul Blaze, and if you killed anything with Soul Blaze then every unit within 6" of that unit would become effected by Soul Blaze as well. There was also a one use only piece of wargear, which you could use when the character died. On a 2+ you place a S4 AP3 template over the character, hitting both friend and foe, but if you cause at least 1 wound then the character stands back up with 1 wound. Last one I saw was an item which gave the user Fearless, Shrouded, Stealth and re-roll cover saves but they lose the IC rule, which gives people a way to make a Solitare (the name was something to do with the Laughing God).

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