
понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Some new Apocalypse info

via Engrimm from Apocalypse40k

More info U can see here:

No force organization chart, ALL units are scoring, even HQ everything.


there's 6 in the normal part, + 3 more for warzone: Armageddon.

Allies: all armies on the same side are treated as Allies. Armies from the same codex but commanded by different players are considered battlebrothers. Armies that according to the allies matrix ally are "come the apocalypse" count each other as desperate allies. It doesnt say that you HAVE to use the allies matrix in fact it says "alternatively" for when you cant decide which players are put in which team.

Thunderhawk costs 215 points less, but to get the turbo laser it's 90 points. AV is 12 12 10 (-2 from the rear) and Hull points is 9 only (would have been 12 normally). Has power of the machine spirit.

Eldar Phantom Titan is in the book, holo fields changed again: Before making an armour penetration roll or rolling on the Destroyer damage table (yes there's a table to roll on for destroyer weapons, good news for some bad for others)
You roll a D6, if the titan moved the weapon will hit on a 4+ and proceed to armour penetration, if it didnt move it's on a 3+. Points cost the same, other different thing is the aa launcher which is now a S7 AP3 heavy 4, skyfire, interceptor. 24HP, same as before.

Space wolves formations

Great Company: stubborn for all.
All models in the formation re-roll their charge moves and re-roll to hit rolls on overwatch.
x1 per game start of assault phase all within 18" of the wolf lord/Ragnar gain furious charge and fleet.

5 runepristes is the same as 5 libarians, called Librarius: They're a psychic choir formation (see the blog post from Loken for more info) and get a choir power. Warp charge 4, 24", S:D, Ap1, Heavy 1, large blast, Vortex. Vortex doesnt destroy everything like it used to, it's a normal D weapon but the blast stays on the table and scatters 2D6 each turn, on a double it disappears. In the case of this power though when it dispappears the game will start using the Seismic explosion rules as the vortex buries itself into the plant's surface.

Then there's Brethren of the Great wolf, which contains logan, njal, ulrik, arjac, bjorn and 1 wolf guard pack. It's a high command formation, wolf guard needs to have the banner of the great wolf which within 24" all have Furios charge. Formation has fear and all space wolves on the table have stubborn. Then all characters in the formation can all do the finest hour/sons of primarch buff not just one, but all at the same turn so it's a mega strong unit for that turn.

Wolfpack flanking force, wolflord on wolf/canis wolfborn, 2+ thunderwolf units, 5+ fenrisian wolve packs. Acute senses, hit and run, outflank, rage and can charge in the turn they arrive from reserves.

Lord Castellan's Supreme Command

Lord castellan creed includes him, kell, a company command squad and an Imperial bastion. When his unit is in the bastion he can issue orders to units anywhere on the table. The master of ordnance can make D3+1 artillery bombardments instead of 1. The formation is a high command formation, so you receive 1 extra strategic asset normally in the break, in Creed's case though you receive 2 assets.

CSM formations

Lord of the Black Crusade is Abaddon and Kharn, Ahriman, Lucius, Typhus or lords with mark of khorne instead of Kharn etc. High Command Formation. They can all use the finest hour/sons of primarch at the same turn.
The planet killer: once per game you can have Abaddon's flagship start bombarding so from now on you start using the Magma Storm Unnatural Disaster table. You are the master of disaster as long as abaddon is alive. Basically there's a table you roll on and it affects everybody, but if you're the master of disaster you're the one that begins applying the results. so if you get a result to do D3 blasts and you roll a 3, the master of disaster places the 1st one, then your opponent, then the master, so yoou have that advantage when you roll an odd number.

Legionnaire Warband: When in close cobat with any loyal space marine they re-roll to hit every round of combat. And if they're within 12" of loyal space marines they get fearless. That's the only rule.

Lost and the Damned: 1 Dark Apostle, 6+ chaos cultist units. Gain inflitrate. After each break you can return a single unit of cultists. All cultists in the formation have feel no pain and furious charge.

Dark Eldar formations

There's 5 of them. I'll detail two of them:

Ravager Titan Hunters: Armoured spearhead formation. Any ravager within 6" of the command vehicle (including the command vehicle) gets shrouded. The command vehicle has a shadow ray weapon in addition to the normal stuff. You shoot it before you shoot the rest of the dark lances. If it hits then any subsequesnt hits by any ravager in the formation will ignore the effect of Void shield, power fields AND eldar titan holo-fields. Range for the shadow ray is 36".

Dark Olympiad. 1 succubus or lelith, 0+ hekatrix bloodbrides, 2+ wyches units, 1+ hellions, 0+ beastmasters, 1+ reavers. The beastmasters and the beast gain the efffects of combat drugs. With this formation you roll twice on the combat drugs table and apply BOTH. if you have duke sliscus you roll 3 dice and choose 2. Whenever anything from this formation gets a pain token you can give a free extra pain token to anything within 24".

Sons of Grimaldus

This is the company style formation I mentioned. They all get feel no pain, all dword brethren gain fearless and hatred(orks). When charging any unit from codex:orks they gain furious charge. This formation is from Warzone :Armageddon so that's why it's themed against the orcs.


Tigershark isnt in the book, as you said it's just been updated in IA3-2nd so there's no units in the book other than formations for Tau.
The riptide wing contains 3+ riptides.  Any riptide that shoots on a unit that another riptide has already shot at gets +1BS.  Each Riptide within 6" of another riptide can re-roll Nova reactor tests.


Hierophant is 250 points cheaper. Bio-cannon is assault 6, and he also has a 6+ inv save.

vanguard infestation: 3+ genestealer broods, 3+ lictors (can be deathleaper).  On the turn they arrive from reserve all enemy units within 36" use their lowest LD.  All unit are deployed like the lictor's Chameleonic skin, even the genestealers

Living fortress: 2 hive tyrants (can be swarmlord), 3 tyrant guard, 3 hive guard. Feel no pain for all. Any tyranids within synapse range of a hive tyrant from this formation has the preferred enemy and counter attack rules.
If they're attacked by a shooting attack they can form a Fortress of Chitin.  They get shrouded and add +! to there armour saves but the formation moves as if iin difficult terrain  next turn. Btw this is a hig command formation, so extra asset

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