
среда, 10 июля 2013 г.

Some rules from NEW Apocalypse

Flyers and deep strike can arrive on the 1st turn, fast vehicles from turn 2, anything else at a scheduled break.

Nothing for Sisters of battle.

barbed hierdule, Harridan and hierophant bio-titan are in, they cost less than before i think, titan at least 250 points less.

the bio-cannon is now the same for all of them, 48", S10, ap3, assault 6.

4/3/10/8/8/3/4/10 3+ save, 2 bio cannons, scything talons

Tyranid Carnifex Crusher Brood and the Endless Swarm formations

carnifexes can combine bio-plasma attack using the hellstorm template.

Endless swarm - makes it hard for the enemy to shoot them so they end up shooting snap shots at them most of the time. A single unit can be returned after each break.

Tesseract vault - 14AV all around. Points cost is 315 but can double up delending on what powers you choose (up to 2). One of them is a 48" S8 AP3 Heavy 6D6 attack, another is a hellstorm template S:D ap1.

9HP, sky of falling stars is the 2nd cheapest ability, its a shooting attack, 48", S7, Ap3, Primary weapon 6, apocalyptic barrage, 48", S8, ap3, heavy 6D6

Obelisk gravity pulse: all flyers or skimmer within 24" suffer a S8 Ap4 on the side armour. Also has four weapons (the tesla spheres at the corners)

Firestorm Redout: To be honest I cant find any rules for it in the book, there's a formation to combine 3 of them together to do a very strong attack (escpecially against flyers as it had skyfire and interceptor and they cant use evade)

Formation of Wraithknights

For each wraithknight there is in the formation you add that number to their movement, charge range, WS and BS, so if you have 5 thats +5 to all the things I mentioned. Doesnt need to be close together.

The baleful necroplis consists of 8 monoliths and 1 tesseract vault. The vault will have an extra S:D weapon and each monolith close to it can increase it's range. Any monolith close to the vault also gets it will not die and 6+ inv and then increases upo to 4+ inv depending on how many monoliths are close.

Ravenwing formation
Ranges of Icon of the Old Caliban and shround of the angels is doubled. Once per game all the formation can turbo boost and shoot as well.

Deathwing - belial 6 terminator squads, 4 deathwing knight squads.

Ravenwing - 5 ravenwing attack squadrons at full strength, 1 black knights, 1+ ravenshroud, ability already replied in above comment.

And no formation costs anything.

tau strategic assest and formations

there's 7 formations for Tau so here's one of them: Air auperiority wing, 3-5 razorsharks. +1 to hit vs flyers, super heavy flyers jetbikes, skimmers, flying monsters, flying gargantuans.

Also as long as one model from the foramtion is on the table you gain an extra D3 markerlight tokens to place on any enemy on the table.

And here's a strategic asset:It's a shooting attack done by the warlord, infinite range, S1, Ap1, ordnance 1, 10" blast fleshbane, ignores covere, requires you to spend a victory point to charge it though.

battle company: counter attack for all. They can overwatch if a friendly unit gets charged within 12" similar to the Tau's supporting fire. Units within 12" of an objective have stubborn. You also get the Orbital strike strategic asset for free

infinite phalanx
They all get fearless and relentless. They all form a single unit. If its more than 100 necrons they gain fear. If theres 100 models they pass reanimation on 4+, if 150 on 3+

thousand sons war coven formation
psychic choir. Warp charge 2 witchfure power. S:D ap1 assault X, blast lifedrain vortex.
Each time you use it remove 3 mastery level 1 sorcerers and X is the number of sorcerers removed (can remove more)

Eldar phantom titan is 24hp, and any old rules form imperial armour is structure points x3, so highest right now I think is the tau manta with 30

Eldar Windrider Host

 autarch, 2 windrider squads, 1 vyper. 3+ units from the following list - farseer, warlock council, windriders, vypers. they all get scout. All from formation that are within 18" of autach re-rol failed to wound and armour penetration when using shuriken catapults/cannons

the great promenade of exquisite excess
formation must arrive by deep strike and are allowed to charge that turn. rending on 4+.

Tzeentch flaming formation
They get to roll on a table with 4 dierrent results, 3-4 for example is inv save improved by 2, last one is a nasty attack.

Chaos Daemon Cohort of Blood
Instant death on rolls of 6 to wound. All of the formation has +1 S and fleet. you need 8 units of bloodletters 1+ heralds and skulltaker.

 the optimised stealth group, counter strike cadre and skysweep missle defence formations

Counterstrike - if shooting at enemey eithin 12" of objective can re-roll to hit. In the first turn vehicles in formation count as fast.

Stealth: halves the range they need to be close to the enemy when inflitrating and when shooting they have ignores cover.

Skysweep: gunships within 12" of the command vehicle can shoot any number of missiles per turn. All tau units within 60" of the command vehicle have shrouded against flyers/flying monsters/gargantuans etc

 green tide

All models need to be on foot, they form 1 big unit, and can use waaaagh each turn, they also roll an extra D6 for charge range and choose highest

the death company formation
They get +A deneding on turn number when they charge, so charging on turn 4 will give them +4Attacks each.

The War Council of Mandragora
It's a bit complicated, there 6 conditions to be met, you roll 3 dice to see which ones you need to achieve, each one that you do grants you a strategic asset but you have to do them in the order rolled. If you complete all 3 you get D3 victory points so it's a nice formation.

Nemesis Dread Knight
You pick one dreadknight to be the special one, while they're within 12" of that dreadknight the others have shred.

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