
среда, 2 октября 2013 г.

All rules from new Horus Heresy book

from Brother Garrod and the Bols Lounge

Iron Hands

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

inviolate armour - all shooting attacks against models with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1

stand and fight - must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase . may not voluntarily go to ground

rigid tactics - an iron hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type , note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to iron hand armies

Primarch: Ferrus Manus

WS7 BS6 S7 T7 W6 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv2+/3+


Medusan Carapace: 2+ armour save 3+ invulnerable save

Incorporates nuncio vox and servo arm , may choose to fire any two of the following in shooting phase-

plasma blaster , graviton gun , grenade harness ( unlimited usage ) , heavy flamer

Forgebreaker: range - melee , str x2 , ap 1 , melee , Concussive , Strikedown

(if using him in the campaign , he no longer has Forgebreaker , since Fulgrim stole it , if so his points cost is reduced to [REDACTED] )

Special Rules:

Primarch - ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die )

Sire of the Iron Hands - Ferrus Manus has Relentless and Smash special rules ( the latter may be used in conjunction with any of his close combat weapons or attacks) and shooting attacks against him suffer a -1 penalty to their strength.

All models with the special rule legiones astartes ( Iron Hands ) in an army containing Ferrus Manus gain the Feel no Pain ( 6+ ) special rule (unless they already possess a superior version of this rule ).

Master of Mechanisms: possesses Battlesmith special rule and passes repair rolls on a 3+ in addition , any vehicle with at least one armour facing of 13 in a primary detachment containing Ferrus Manus gain the ' It Will Not Die ' special rule

Very Bulky

Iron Hand Characters

iron father . any preator with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule may be made an iron father , be given a servo arm in addition to their normal wargear , the feel no pain ( 6+ ) and battlesmith special rules for [ redacted]

if this is done , they may no longer be equipped with a jump pack , bike or jetbike

specific wargear

blessed autosimulacra may be given for [ redacted]

any vehicle that suffered hull point damage , may restore a hullpoint on a roll of a 6 at the end of the controlling players turn

cyber familiar may be given for [ redacted]

Spearhead Centurian Castermen Orth

ws 5 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+


power armour

refractor field

frag and krak grenades

bolt pistol

power maul

cyber familiar

special rules

independent character

legiones astartes ( iron hands)

spearhead commander

tank hunter

( spearhead commander

must be assigned to a single vehicle or super heavy in his detachment that has both the tank type and has an frontal armour value of at least 13

does not take up any transport capacity and may not leave the vehicle unless it has become immobilised or destroyed

if present on a vehicle that is destroyed he is treated exactly as a transported model , afterwards he may only board behicles that have a transport capacity.

while he is inside a vehicle , it used his bs and tank hunters special rule

warlord trait:

tank crushers. if chosen as the armies warlord , automatically has the tank crushers trait instead of rolling randomly.

all vehicles in the army with the tank type in your primary detachment gain =1 to rules they inflict on the damage table when making ramming attacks ( LOL )

Iron father Autek Mor

ws 6 bs 5 s 5 t 5 w 3 i 4 a 3 ld 10 sv 2+


cataphractii pattern terminator armour

servo arm

cortex controller

paragon blade

volkite charger

special rules

independent character


legiones astartes ( iron hands )



master of the legion

jealous command

( jealous command - must be your warlord if chosen unless ferrus manus is also present )

warlord trait

murderous arsenal

automatically has this trait if chosen as the armies warlord

both he and a single chosen infantry unit gain the preferred enemy ( infantry ) special rule

Night Lords:

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

talent for murder - if a unit with the legiones astartes ( night lords ) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound ( bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3)

nostraman blood - all models with this special rule fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead

night vision

from the shadows - all units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game . even in open ground this may be combined with stealth etc as normal , but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it

seeds of dissent - if an armies warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting

Primarch: Konrad Curze

WS8 BS6 S6 T6 I7 A5 Ld10 Sv 2+ /4+


The Nightmare Mantle: provides 2+ armour save and 4+ invulnerable save , grants Hit and Run , and Hammer of Wrath special rules (inflicting d3 HoW hits instead of the usual one)

Mercy and Forgiveness: ( lightning claws )

range- melee str - as user ap - 2 melee , Shred , Specialist Weapon , Murderous Strike , Paired ( + 1 attack )

The Widowmakers: ( throwing knives )

Widowmaker volley R:12" S:4 AP:5 Assault 3 , Lethal Precision ( precision strike on 4+ , to wound rolls of 6 ignore armour AND invulnerable saves )

Special Rules:

Primarch - ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die ))

Sire of the Night Lords - Acute Senses , Night Vision. May always elect to have the first turn in any game use night fighting rule. A Night Lords force containing Konrad Curze gains the Fear special rule for any unit with the legiones astartes ( Night Lords ) special rule. Any afflicted units that already have the Fear special rule now impose a -1 penalty on the leadership of any enemy unit testing for fear against them.

The King of Terrors - Fear tests taken against him are subject to a - 3 penalty. In addition , should he be part of an assault where any enemy unit is destroyed outright, all enemy units subject to fear within 12 " and with line of sight to the combat must take an immediate morale check or fall back

Shrouded, Stealth, Bulky

Night Lords Characters

any character or independent character with the night lords special rule elligable to take a power weapon as part of their normal options , may instead take a nostraman chainglaive

nostraman chainglaive range - str +1 ap 3 melee , two handed , rending

teleportation transponder

any night lords terminator squad or command squad with terminator armour may be upgraded to have the deep strike special rule for [redacted] per squad

any night lords independent character in terminator may be upgraded to have deep strike for [ redacted]

trophies of judgement

and independent charcter may take trophies of judgement for [ redacted] , gaining the fear special rule

Flaymaster Mawsrym Llansahai - fallen primus medicae of the night lords , the smiling one , bloody bones

ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 5 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+


power armour

refractor field

frag and krak grenades

archaeotech pistol

red jaqa


special rules

independent character


legiones astartes ( night lords )


the devils luck

unfit for command

red jaqa

range - str -1 ap 3 melee , murderous strike , specialist weapon

the devils luck

may re-roll failed look out sir and feel no pain rolls

unfit for command

may not be take as a compulsory HQ selection , even the night lords have their limits of toleration for madness

Sevatar - Jago Sevatarion , the prince of crows , first captain of the night lords and master of the atramentar

ws 7 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 3 i 6 a 4 ld 9 sv 3+


power armour

iron halo

frag and krak grenades

master crafted nostraman chainglaive

bolt pistol

master of the atrementar

trophies of judgement

special rules

independent character

legiones astartes ( night lords )

dirty fighter

master of the legion

repressed psyker

master of the atramentar- night lords terminator and terminator command squads from the same detachment as sevatar will not scatter so long as they are placed with 6" of sevatar as they deploy

dirty fighter

gains instant death special rule for his attacks when fighting in a challenge

repressed psyker

level 1 psyker with the precognition psychic power

uses leadership 7 when attempting to use this power rather than his normal leadership of 9


legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

strength of will - automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are failed

Promethean gift - all hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength , in addition , any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1

nocturne born - all units with the legiones astartes ( salamanders ) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1"

Primarch: Vulkan

WS7 BS5 S7 T7 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv2+/3+


The Draken Scale - 2+ armour save , 3+ invulnerable save , halves the strength of any flamer , fusion , volkite, melta, or plasma weaponry used against him.

Dawnbringer - range - melee S10 AP1 melee , Two-handed , Concussive , Armourbane , Instant Death , Earthshatter

(Earthshatter - instead of attacking normally , place a blast template ( 3" ) anywhere in base to base contact with him that does not cover any friendly models , all models under the template suffer a single automatic S8 AP3 hit with the Strikedown special rule )

The Furnace's Heart: R:18" S6 AP2 Assault 1, Rending , Line of Effect

(Line of Effect - draw a line from the primarch 1 mm wide and 18" long to determine the weapon's area of effect , all units crossed by the line suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models in the unit the line crosses , this line may not pass through friendly models)

Heavy Flamer ( str 6 )

Special Rules:

Primarch - ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die )

Sire of the Salamanders - in an army which contains Vulkan , any models with the legiones astartes ( Salamanders ) special rule gain 1+ leadership and the Adamantium Will special rule.

Blood of Fire - may re-roll any failed It Will Not Die or Deny the Witch tests.

Very Bulky

Salamanders Characters

restrictions - disdain of the the dark age

may not take moritat or destroyer units , nor may any phosphex weaponry be used


artificer weapons

all characters with the salamanders special rule ( including sergeants etc ) may apply the master crafted special rule to a single weapon the possess for [ redacted] which weapon this is must be noted before the battle begins

dragonscale storm shield

provides a 5+ invulnerable save or increases a invulnerable save a model already has by +1 ( to a maximum or +3 )

may not claim an attack for additional hand weapon if they have this option

mantle of the elder drake

costs [ redacted ] a preator may take this and gain the eternal warrior special rule

purging flame

any heavy bolters / twin linked heavy bolters may be exhanched for heavy flamers / twin linked heavy flamers at no cost

any salamanders model eligable to take a plasma pistol , may instead take an inferno pistol at the same cost

Cassian Dracos

wd 6 bs 5 s 6 ( 10 ) front 14 side 12 rear 10 hp 4 i 4 a 4

vehicle ( walker )


two dreadfire close combat weapons , with inbuilt heavy flamer

extra armour

smoke launcher


nuncio vox

special rules

wrought by vulcan

it will not die


burning wrath

the last warlord

dreadfire heavy flamers - may be fired as two heavy flamers or a single twin-linked melta gun

wrought by vulcan

immune to the effects of melta , armourbane , sunder and lance

any other rules which either reduce or permanently degrade his armour value or allow attacks which target him to roll more than one dice when ,making armour penetration have no effect against him

burning wrath

may forfeit usual close combat attacks in order to inflict one automatic s6 ( bonus included ) ap 4 hit on any model ( friend or for ) in base contact with him at initiative step 1

the last warlord

if he is the onlu HQ choice present in your army , he becomes the warlord , even though he does not have a leadership value

warlord trait

if cassian dracos is your armies warlord then your opponent cannot score victory points for slay the warlord. in addition all models with the salamander special rul within 3" of dracos gain the feel no pain ( 5+ ) special rule

Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy'tan

ws 6 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 3 ld 10 sv 2+


artificer armour

iron halo

frag and krak grenades

darkstar falling


bolt pistol

mantle of the elder drake

special rules

independent character


legiones astartes ( salamanders)

master of the legion

keeper of the keys

keeper of the keys ,if nomus rhy'tan is part a a legion force , a single dreadnought talon may be take as a single non compulsory HQ choice ( may not be the warlord )

darkstar falling

range - str + 2 ap 2 melee , armourbane , concussive , two handed

Word Bearers

legiones astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties

true believers - all units with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest dice

cut them down - all units with the legiones astartes ( word bearers ) special rule must always make sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll results of a 1

charismatic leadership - any primary detachment force chosen from the word bearers legion must take a second compulsory HQ choice on the force organisation chart ( where a second choice is allowed) this choice must always be either a centurion or chaplain consul

Primarch: Lorgar

WS6 BS6 S6 T6 W5 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv 2+ /4+


The Armour of the Word - 2+ armour save , 4+ invulnerable save (3+ against Witchfire and Force weapons)

Illuminarium - range melee , S+2 AP2 melee , Concussive , Master-crafted , Smash

Archaotech Pistol

Frag Grenades

Special Rules:

Primarch - ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die )

Living Icon - all models in the same detatchment with the legiones astartes (Word Bearers) special rule who can draw line of sight to Lorgar , gain +1 to their charge distance rolls , and are immune to Fear , and gain a +1 bonus to their total score of determining the result of an assault.

Sire of the Word Bearers - Lorgar has the Crusader special rule and confers this to any unit he joins , while he is on the table ( not in a transport ) all models with the legiones astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may use his leadership for all morale and pinning tests.

Dark Fortune - may re-roll any failed Deny the Witch rolls , once per game , Lorgar's player may elect to force a single enemy unit or model to re-roll all rolls of 5 and 6 to hit and to wound in a single player turn. The use of this power must be declared before the attacking player rolls any dice for the nominated model that turn.

Erratic Psychic Power -level 2 psyker who may choose to roll powers from either Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines , however when using said powers , must roll 3 d6 and take the two highest dice results


( Lorgar Transfigured . Player may elect to use Lorgar after the begin of his fall to Chaos , if so , this rule replaces Erratic Psychic Power.

level 3 pskyer who may select ( not roll , SELECT) three powers in any combination from the Telepathy and Telekinesis disciplines at the start of the game. In addition when using said powers Lorgar rolls 3d6 and chooses the two lowest dice. Lorgar transfigured is treated as an upgrade that costs [ REDACTED]


Sons of Horus

Maloghurst the Twisted

ws 5 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 4 a 2 ld 10 sv 3+


power armour

power sword

bolter with banestrike shells

bolt pistol

frag and krak grenades

refractor field

legion standard

special rules

legiones astartes ( sons of horus )

independent character

master of the legion

bearer of the eye

broken in body

adamantium will

bearer of the eye - if present in a detachment , sons of horus veteran and reaver squads may be taken as tropp choices

broken in body

maloghurst and any unit he joins may not run or make sweeping advances

warlord trait

battle standard of the rebellion , classed as a scoring unit

World Eaters

Kharn the Bloody

ws 7 bs 5 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 4 ld 9 sv 2+


artificer armour

the cutter

plasma pistol

frag and krak grenades

iron halo

special rules

legiones astartes ( world eaters )

independent character

master of the legion

warlords pride


marked by dark fates

legacy of blood ( special option )

warlords pride - always be the warlord unless angron is present

the cutter

range - str as user ap 3 melee rending

marked by dark fates

any campaign where casualties an injuries between battles are a factor , results for kharn may be re-rolled

legacy of blood

may exchange the cutter for Gorechild at [ redacted]


range - str +1 ap 2 melee , armourbane, murderous strike , specialist weapon

Emperors Children

Lord commander Eidolon

ws 6 bs 5 s 4 t 4 i 5 a 4 ld 10 sv 2+

may have a jump pack for [ redacted]


artificer armour

master crafted thunder hammer

archaeotech pistol

frag and krak grenades

sonic shrieker

iron halo

special rules

legiones astartes ( emperors children)

independent character

master of the legion

thunderous charge

death scream

warlords pride

thunderous charge

any turn when he charges into assault , may ignore cumbersome on his thunder hammer

death scream

range template str 2 ap - assault1 , rending , pinning , one use

warlord trait- coordinated assault

all friendly units within 12" add +1 to their charge rolls

Death Guard

Calas Typhon

ws 6 bs 5 s 4 t 5 w 3 i 5 a 4 ls 10 sv 2+


cataphractii pattern terminator armour

master crafted deathscythe power scythe

hand flamer with chem-munitions

grenade harness

nuncio vox

rad grenades

special rules

legiones astartes ( death guard)

independent character

master of the legion ( may take deathshroud bodyguard)



warlords pride

chem bombardment

once per game provided typhon has not moved in the proceeding movemnt phase ( may declare a charge as normal ) counts as firing a weapon with the following profile

range unlimited str - ap 4 ordnance 3 , barrage , large blast , poison ( 4+) no cover saves

( always scatters full 2d6 )

witch blood

level 1 psyker who may utilise a power from the telepathy discipline ( may not use this power if mortarion is present before his fall to chaos )

1 комментарий:

  1. Почти все, нету именных Несущих Слово.
    Но есть Малогарст!
    Спасибо Макс, ждем скан!
