Via Peter Dunn over at Fields of Blood
New 40k Terrain Scheduuled
Recently I received a file purporting to be Games Workshop's upcoming 40k release schedule. On it most armies received some love so it may or may not be genuine.
However the releases that interested me were terrain releases and they did seem to fit the new rules in offering race specific fortifications.
Here are the terrain features on the list:
256145512010301 Tau Empire Nautilus Defence Platform
208282112050207 Eldar Webway Gate
200462312010203 Space Marine Astartes Battle Fortress Defence Wall
200462412010202 Space Marine Astartes Battle Fortress Tower / Pillar of Heroes
200462512340209 Space Marine Astartes Battle Fortress Monastery
201279412010205 Ork Gun Fortress / Mega Tellyporta
All of these bar the Webway Gate would seem to be able to use as fortifications.
Если СМ-ные наборы будут красивыми, и не будут зашкаливать по цене, то можно даже для дома, для семьи крепость ордена собрать :)