суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.
четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.
What to expect? 29th june is comming
The upcoming Apocalypse hard cover book is going to retail for $74.25.
Here are some of the new features inside
New Strategic Assets
Divine Intervention
Finest Hour: Warlords becoming heroes of legend
Sons of the Primarch: Space Marine and Chaos Space Marines calling upon the power of their Primarchs
Unnatural Disasters: Fate of the planet is decided
11 new formation types with over 100 apocalypse formations
Also something called War Zone: Armageddon. Fighting historical battles
Apocalypse Gamers Edition (direct only)
"Vortex Grenade" Case and Apocalypse Book
Can hold 4 super heavies or 16 normal tanks
3000 copies only
Apocalypse Collectors Edition (direct only)
A themed Inquisitor Coteaz's travelling case
individually numbered 'Order of Exterminatus' certificate on the lid
Apoc book split into a hardcover mini rulebook, Showcase section, Warzones 2, Datasheets for every formation.
60+ Asset Cards
Fold Out Reference Screen
1500 copies only
Обычная книга апока - 74 бакса
Новые ассеты, всего около 60+
Божественное вмешательство
Звездный час: варлорды становятся легендарными героями
Сыны Примархов: СМ и ХСМ призывают силу своего примарха
Бедствия: судьба планеты в ваших руках
11 новых типов формаций, всего более сотни формаций.
Зона войны: Армагедон - исторические битвы.
Гейм издание
Вортекс кейс, туда вмещается 4 суперхеви или 16 танков.
Всего 3000 копий.
Кейс Инквизитора Котиза
Именное разрещение на Экстерминатус
Книга разделена на мини рульбку и прочее, например листы формаций и резюме.
Только 1500 копий.
вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.
понедельник, 24 июня 2013 г.
суббота, 15 июня 2013 г.
Very expensive model of the Space Marines... in silver
From http://sodr-club.ru/silver_space_marine/
Russian jewelers made miniature Space Marines in sterling silver with a black finish and stones.
Таможня предлагает ввести налоги на интернет-покупки из-за рубежа, что бы почта РФ выдохунал
Посмотрите на эту ублюдочнуе, сучью, наглую, жирную морду, вот этот мудак, предлагает резко снизить количество почтовых отправлений из–за рубежа обложив их налогами и Почта России сможет наконец справляться. То есть работать не надо, надо просто мешать людям покупать, а хули в самом деле:
"Чтобы снять остроту вопроса, надо дать прогнозы роста этой форме почтовой торговли, оценку этого экономического явления и переместить почтовые потоки в другую плоскость. С фискальной составляющей".
ГовноПочта России и ФТС не справляются со своей работой – значит давайте сделаем так, чтобы эти так называемые граждане поменьше себе заказывали всякой фигни! Ишь чего выдумали, с ебэев (слово-то какое срамное!) себе заказывать барахло! А как же поддержка отечественногопроизводителя коммерсанта-перекупщика? Вот таковй вот алегрис.
"С импортных товаров, которые поступают в России по почте, граждане платят только пошлину. И то лишь в случае, если товар превышает по стоимости тысячу евро. Но при этом "товары по почте" не облагаются налогами — на добавленную стоимость, на прибыль. Они получают необоснованное конкурентное преимущество, а экономика теряет. Правительство и ФТС "масштабами интернет–торговли уже озадачены", признал Бельянинов. http://www.rg.ru/2013/06/13/torgovlya-site.html
"Чтобы снять остроту вопроса, надо дать прогнозы роста этой форме почтовой торговли, оценку этого экономического явления и переместить почтовые потоки в другую плоскость. С фискальной составляющей".
ГовноПочта России и ФТС не справляются со своей работой – значит давайте сделаем так, чтобы эти так называемые граждане поменьше себе заказывали всякой фигни! Ишь чего выдумали, с ебэев (слово-то какое срамное!) себе заказывать барахло! А как же поддержка отечественногопроизводителя коммерсанта-перекупщика? Вот таковй вот алегрис.
"С импортных товаров, которые поступают в России по почте, граждане платят только пошлину. И то лишь в случае, если товар превышает по стоимости тысячу евро. Но при этом "товары по почте" не облагаются налогами — на добавленную стоимость, на прибыль. Они получают необоснованное конкурентное преимущество, а экономика теряет. Правительство и ФТС "масштабами интернет–торговли уже озадачены", признал Бельянинов. http://www.rg.ru/2013/06/13/torgovlya-site.html
Chapterhouse ordered to pay Games Workshop damages of $25,000 USD
from belloflostsouls
Some initial notes:
This is a Jury Verdict, and has not yet become a Final Judgement
Breaking down the counts along the different categories we have:
Copyright Claims
160 claims alleged against CHS
-GW won on 1/3 of the claims, including items such as CHS' Powerfists
-CHS won on 2/3 of the claims, including the use of the underlying shape and size of GW Shoulderpads.
General Trademark Claims
9 claims alleged against CHS
-CHS won all 9 claims, including either no infringement, or fair use of the GW trademarks on CHS' website.
Disputed Trademark Claims
21 disputed trademark claims alleged against CHS
CHS won 11 claims
GW won 10 claims
GW Trademarks ruled "Previously Used in Commerce" Claims
61 claims alleged against CHS
CHS won 35 claims
GW won 27
Notable Trends and Individual Products Under Dispute
CHS lost on some individual products including:
-Dark Elf
CHS won on some individual products including:
-Super-heavy walker model
-Lizard Ogre
Damages Awarded:
CHS ordered to pay GW damages of $25,000 USD
Both sides may appeal the ruling.
Thoughts and Implications:
It's looking like however CHS as an entity comes out of this ruling, the implications for the 3rd party industry are profound.
-The ruling of no infringement for the use of the underlying shape and size of GW shoulderpads is now on the legal record.
-Possibly more important is not guilty verdicts on the use of GW trademarks and terms on the CHS website.
-While certain CHS products themselves may disappear from the Earth in the aftermath of this case, it looks like the verdict may have provided a clear blueprint for the 3rd party accessory bits market. One that allows legal use of certain GW trademarks and terms in a way that goes way beyond what Nottingham themselves ever wished to allow.
пятница, 14 июня 2013 г.
Who's next? ' Space marines, Imperial Guard, Orks!
A few of my friends, including members of the studio, hint, and some say in plain text, that the following codexes will be such: Space marines, Imperial Guard, Orks!
Rumors about the first two have been around for a long time, the orcs also expected.
But in the past there have been rumors about the imminent publication of Tyranids dex.
As far as I know, many of the codexes are ready, yes, in fact, they are either written or almost ready. So it will be that codex, whose model lineup is ready, that is all dependent on the production and the sculptors.
Therefore, it is unlikely that the studio has a real plan for the year ahead. I know from my friends sculptors, some masters of the studio are working on the plastic for the sisters of battle, but they said there is a lot of work for at least a year in advance.
So I bolee than confident that we will see in the next year and a half of these codes:
Space marines, Imperial Guard, Orks, Tyranids, Space Wolves.
There is a rumor that I'm inclined to believe by dumb reasons that wolves will be re-released in the middle or at the end of 2014 in connection with the publication of Prospero´s book of Forgeworld
Несколько моих знакомых, в том числе сотрудники студии, намекают, а некоторые говорят прямым текстом, что следующие кодексы буду такими:
Space marines, Imperial Guard, Orks!
Слухи о первых двух ходят уже давно, орки тоже ожидаемы.
Но раньше ходили слухи и о скором издании Тиранидов.
Насколько я знаю, многие кодексы готовы, да, в самом деле они или написаны, или почти готовы. Поэтому выходит тот кодекс, чей модельный ряд готов, то есть все зависит от скульпторов и производства.
Поэтому вряд ли у студии есть реальный план на год вперед. Я точно знаю от моих знакомых скульпторов, что некоторые мастеры из студии ведут работу над пластиком для сестер битвы, но по их словам, там очень много работы, минимум на год вперед.
Так что я больее чем уверен, что мы увидем в ближайшие полтора года эти кодексы:
Space marines, Imperial Guard, Orks, Tyranids, Space Wolves.
Есть слух, которому я склонен верить по некотрым причинам, что волки будут переизданы в середине или в конце 2014 года в связи с выходом книги о Просперо
среда, 12 июня 2013 г.
A new Warhammer 40,000 MMORPG revealed
Доступные расы: орки, мары, хсм и эльдары.
Запуск бета-тестирования через 18 месяцев, релиз через 24 месяца.
Будут тираниды, но не как игровая раса, они контролируются ИИ.
В тестовой версии СМ будут представлены темными ангелами, хсм - желеными воинами.
Бесплтной будет расса орков и только в виде обычных орк бойзов, за доступ к лругим рассами и развитию, придется заплатить.
У каждого ирока будет космический корабль, где можно будет тюнинговать чара.
Дальше в одиночку или в скваде (10 человек) можно спустится на планету и прнять участие в кампании, которая будет длится 3 месяца, по истечении которых, будет названа сторона-победитель. На карте будет локации, часть пвп, часть с квестами, как например зачиситит шахту от нидов. За выполнения квеста ресурсы получает ваша сторона в целом. То же самое за захват крепости в пвп зоне.
Ресурсы, которые получаются за захват территории, нужны для ее защиты, создания техники, кораблей, доспехов, оружия и т.д. Похожая система есть в EVE, но здесь она проще.
Кроме того все это можно будет так или иначе задействовать на поле боя.
После трех месяцев, локация-планета переходит под власть победителя и начинается новая кампания на другой планете с новой эко-системой и прочим.
По пвп: это смесь Спейсмарина и Gears of War.
Разрабам отдадут целую планету, они смогут писать для нее бек, он сразу будет канонизирован БЛ в рассказах.
Система прокачки: будет экспа, но все довольно сложно. Если ты выполняешь приказы и задания главы фракции по атаке, например, какой-то крепости, то получаешь больше лута и экспы.
Будем набор классов со своим деревом навыков. Мар начавший простым десантником может стать капеланом.
Requisition tokens: за убийтство противников, нидов, выполнение квестов и приказов вы будете получать эти токены, которые можно потратить на арсенал.
"I am thrilled to announce what will finally be the first MMORPG based on the Warhammer 40,000 license," said Miguel Caron, Head of Studio, Online at Behaviour Interactive. "Eternal Crusade's team are all MMO development veterans and with the support of Behaviour's 20+ years of experience this is going to be the online Warhammer 40,000 universe game that fans have been dreaming of for years!"
Запуск бета-тестирования через 18 месяцев, релиз через 24 месяца.
Будут тираниды, но не как игровая раса, они контролируются ИИ.
В тестовой версии СМ будут представлены темными ангелами, хсм - желеными воинами.
Бесплтной будет расса орков и только в виде обычных орк бойзов, за доступ к лругим рассами и развитию, придется заплатить.
У каждого ирока будет космический корабль, где можно будет тюнинговать чара.
Дальше в одиночку или в скваде (10 человек) можно спустится на планету и прнять участие в кампании, которая будет длится 3 месяца, по истечении которых, будет названа сторона-победитель. На карте будет локации, часть пвп, часть с квестами, как например зачиситит шахту от нидов. За выполнения квеста ресурсы получает ваша сторона в целом. То же самое за захват крепости в пвп зоне.
Ресурсы, которые получаются за захват территории, нужны для ее защиты, создания техники, кораблей, доспехов, оружия и т.д. Похожая система есть в EVE, но здесь она проще.
Кроме того все это можно будет так или иначе задействовать на поле боя.
После трех месяцев, локация-планета переходит под власть победителя и начинается новая кампания на другой планете с новой эко-системой и прочим.
По пвп: это смесь Спейсмарина и Gears of War.
Разрабам отдадут целую планету, они смогут писать для нее бек, он сразу будет канонизирован БЛ в рассказах.
Система прокачки: будет экспа, но все довольно сложно. Если ты выполняешь приказы и задания главы фракции по атаке, например, какой-то крепости, то получаешь больше лута и экспы.
Будем набор классов со своим деревом навыков. Мар начавший простым десантником может стать капеланом.
Requisition tokens: за убийтство противников, нидов, выполнение квестов и приказов вы будете получать эти токены, которые можно потратить на арсенал.
Behaviour Interactive and Games Workshop® proudly announce a new online game in theWarhammer® 40,000® universe: Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade. Behaviour Interactive has obtained the rights to create a wholly new MMORPG persistent war experience for PC, PS4 and Xbox One set in Games Workshop's universe of the 41stMillennium. In the game, players choose a Warhammer 40,000 race and fight directly as one of their warriors in massive conflicts for territory. It will be up to each faction's community to determine their own destiny as they vie for control of an entire planet.
"I am thrilled to announce what will finally be the first MMORPG based on the Warhammer 40,000 license," said Miguel Caron, Head of Studio, Online at Behaviour Interactive. "Eternal Crusade's team are all MMO development veterans and with the support of Behaviour's 20+ years of experience this is going to be the online Warhammer 40,000 universe game that fans have been dreaming of for years!"
"Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is the second milestone in Behaviours new online strategic positioning after last year's Star Citizen Announcement." said Rémi Racine, President and Executive Producer of Behaviour. "We are very happy with the progress of the online studio and you should expect more similar announcements to come."
"The depth, breadth and sheer level of detail that the Warhammer 40,000 universe has after 26 years of continuous development makes it one of the great fantasy settings of our times." said Jon Gillard, Head of Licensing at Games Workshop. "Experiencing the thrill of first hand combat in this world of eternal conflict, with thousands of other players beside you, will be fantastic."
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is currently in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One and will release in late 2015.
Main features of the game include:
- Experience the gameworld with 3rd-person, behind the shoulder action featuring precision gunplay and brutal melee combat with excruciating finishers;
- Participate in a persistent online war to conquer the planet, its fate completely in the hands of the players;
- Become a warrior from one of four initial factions, each unique and opposed to one another: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Eldar.
- Participate in truly massive conflicts that simultaneously bring thousands of players to bear over territories and other strategic resources.
- Get behind the controls of Space Marine Rhinos, Predators, Ork Battlewagons and other iconic vehicles of the 41st millennium;
- Hack through genuinely challenging procedural content alongside your battle-brothers and never have the same experience twice;
- Earn the right to customize your builds in a deep progression system drawing on the rich Warhammer 40,000 universe.
- Found a Battle Squad with friends and prepare for conflict from your customized shared space in orbit - then drop down to the planet together and seek out glory!
About Behaviour Interactive
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Behaviour Interactive (www.bhvr.com) is an independent world leader in the video game industry, employing 275 talented people in Montreal, Quebec, and Santiago, Chile. Since 1992, the company has developed over 140 fun games for everyone on all major platforms. Today, the studio specializes in creating engaging and reward entertainment built with market and platform in mind, through mobile, online and console games. Behaviour works with the industry's best media companies, including 505 Games, Activision Blizzard, Bethesda, Disney, EA, Eidos, Games Workshop, Konami, Majesco, Microsoft, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Sony, THQ, Ubisoft and Warner.
вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.
воскресенье, 9 июня 2013 г.
Iyanden is comming!
Новые подробности листа, ниже!
The release of the digital Iyanden – A Codex: Eldar Supplement is coming up a week from now, on June 8th. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/iyanden-codex-eldar-supplement/id656164538?mt=11

via Zothos from warseer
You can indeed have a Wraithknight as your warlord.
You can take up to 5 Spiritseers in one HQ slot.
Yes, there is some new art.
The background section is very large, quite interesting as well.
Yes Saunders, there is a few pages of background set post-Kraken. This includes actions against Orks and the Tau. Also details the internal political climate between Iyanna and Yriels factions as they try sort out what to do after the bug invasion.
One faction believes its better to burn out, than to fade away. The other thinks Iyanden can rise from the ashes.
The Bonesingers state that if they were to rebuild Iyanden to its pre-Kraken state, it would take about 1000 years.
Yriels faction wants to continue the fight against chaos, even though it would lead to the demise of the craftworld. They essentially believe that Iyanden is already doomed regardless.
Iyanna believes in an ancient prophecy which would essentially bring about a rebirth of Iyanden and a new day for the Eldar as a whole.
There is a blurb at the end, which involves a Shadowseer who shows Yriel that there may yet be some hope...
About 7 different houses are noted. Main difference being the runes. Only slight variation on the pattern of the existing yellow/blue color scheme. Nothing groundbreaking.
via Frgt/10 from warseer
No rules for Iyanna. But...(see below)
Edit: ok the above isn't strictly true; there are two scenarios you can use her in. She's just a free upgrade to a spiritseer and gives you ML3. Can't use her in regular games.
The release of the digital Iyanden – A Codex: Eldar Supplement is coming up a week from now, on June 8th. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/iyanden-codex-eldar-supplement/id656164538?mt=11

via Zothos from warseer
You can indeed have a Wraithknight as your warlord.
You can take up to 5 Spiritseers in one HQ slot.
Yes, there is some new art.
The background section is very large, quite interesting as well.
Yes Saunders, there is a few pages of background set post-Kraken. This includes actions against Orks and the Tau. Also details the internal political climate between Iyanna and Yriels factions as they try sort out what to do after the bug invasion.
One faction believes its better to burn out, than to fade away. The other thinks Iyanden can rise from the ashes.
The Bonesingers state that if they were to rebuild Iyanden to its pre-Kraken state, it would take about 1000 years.
Yriels faction wants to continue the fight against chaos, even though it would lead to the demise of the craftworld. They essentially believe that Iyanden is already doomed regardless.
Iyanna believes in an ancient prophecy which would essentially bring about a rebirth of Iyanden and a new day for the Eldar as a whole.
There is a blurb at the end, which involves a Shadowseer who shows Yriel that there may yet be some hope...
About 7 different houses are noted. Main difference being the runes. Only slight variation on the pattern of the existing yellow/blue color scheme. Nothing groundbreaking.
via Frgt/10 from warseer
No rules for Iyanna. But...(see below)
Edit: ok the above isn't strictly true; there are two scenarios you can use her in. She's just a free upgrade to a spiritseer and gives you ML3. Can't use her in regular games.
Voice of Twilight: WC2
Blessing. Gives all friendly wraithguard, wraithblade, wraithlord and wraithknight models within 12" Battle Focus and Furious Charge.
Pretty nasty imo, but doesn't entirely make up for lack of conceal/reveal.
Warlord traits:
1 D3 re-rolls per game for the walord
2 Warlord and all units within 12" have FnP (6+)
3 Warlord and his unit have hatred
4 Warlord has the spirit mark rule. if he already has it he can mark 2 units per turn.
5 Warlord and his unit has +1 to deny the witch rolls
6 Warlord may re-roll failed saves. loses the ability once he suffers and unsaved wound
Celestial Lance
6" S8 AP2 Assault 1, Lance, Spirit Shatter (If it kills a character or MC, place the large blast marker over the slain model and all units (friend and foe) suffer a hit at the slain units toughness with AP -)
S+3 AP2 Melee, Impact, Lance, Spirit Shatter
S3 AP2 Melee, Mastercrafted, Spiritstealer (+1S to every unsaved wound caused earlier in the game)
Wraithforge Stone
During each of your movement phases, nominate a single wraithknight/wraithlord within 6". On a 3+ they gain a lost wound.
Guardian Helm
Always passes LoS rolls in units of wraithguard/wraithblades and wraithguard/wraithblade models can accept challenges if in the same unit.
Spear of Teuthlas (psyker only) -------Iyannas weapon!!!!
18" S9 AP - Assault 1, Fleshbane, Rending
SUser Ap - Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Rending
The lance affects friendlies but not the bearer when it detonates someone.
1) An Iyanden player may opt to take a Wraithlord or Wraithknight as a warlord, even though they are not HQ choices.
2) Up to 5 Spiritseers may be taken under a single HQ slot, referred to as a Shadow Council.
3) Gifts of Asuryan are a set of relic wargear items that replace the Remnants of Lost Glory from the Eldar codex. For each character who may purchase items from the Remnants list, the player may opt to instead purchase from the Gifts of Asuryan list. A character may not purchase from both lists. Included in this list is the Celestial Lance and Wraithforge Stone (rules unknown)
3) There is a new warlord table for Iyanden players. Included in the 1 slot is "A Hero for Ages Past and Future," which entails rolling a d3. The result allows that many rerolls to to-hit, to-wound, armor penetration, or armor saves over the course of the game to the warlord.
4) Spiritseers that roll from the Runes of Battle psychic powers table replace the primaris "Conceal/Reveal" with "Voice of Twilight" (rules unknown)
5) There are three new Altar of War missions and five scenarios depicting pivotal battles in Iyanden's history. Included in the Altar of War missions is "Feints and Phantoms" and "Webway Assault," whilst "Yriel's Return" is a part of the historical scenarios (termed 'Echoes of War'). There also appears to be some sort of world spirit defense scenario against Chaos Daemons.
6) There are new Cities of Death and Planetstrike strategems available for Iyanden players.
Blessing. Gives all friendly wraithguard, wraithblade, wraithlord and wraithknight models within 12" Battle Focus and Furious Charge.
Pretty nasty imo, but doesn't entirely make up for lack of conceal/reveal.
Warlord traits:
1 D3 re-rolls per game for the walord
2 Warlord and all units within 12" have FnP (6+)
3 Warlord and his unit have hatred
4 Warlord has the spirit mark rule. if he already has it he can mark 2 units per turn.
5 Warlord and his unit has +1 to deny the witch rolls
6 Warlord may re-roll failed saves. loses the ability once he suffers and unsaved wound
Celestial Lance
6" S8 AP2 Assault 1, Lance, Spirit Shatter (If it kills a character or MC, place the large blast marker over the slain model and all units (friend and foe) suffer a hit at the slain units toughness with AP -)
S+3 AP2 Melee, Impact, Lance, Spirit Shatter
S3 AP2 Melee, Mastercrafted, Spiritstealer (+1S to every unsaved wound caused earlier in the game)
Wraithforge Stone
During each of your movement phases, nominate a single wraithknight/wraithlord within 6". On a 3+ they gain a lost wound.
Guardian Helm
Always passes LoS rolls in units of wraithguard/wraithblades and wraithguard/wraithblade models can accept challenges if in the same unit.
Spear of Teuthlas (psyker only) -------Iyannas weapon!!!!
18" S9 AP - Assault 1, Fleshbane, Rending
SUser Ap - Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Rending
The lance affects friendlies but not the bearer when it detonates someone.
1) An Iyanden player may opt to take a Wraithlord or Wraithknight as a warlord, even though they are not HQ choices.
2) Up to 5 Spiritseers may be taken under a single HQ slot, referred to as a Shadow Council.
3) Gifts of Asuryan are a set of relic wargear items that replace the Remnants of Lost Glory from the Eldar codex. For each character who may purchase items from the Remnants list, the player may opt to instead purchase from the Gifts of Asuryan list. A character may not purchase from both lists. Included in this list is the Celestial Lance and Wraithforge Stone (rules unknown)
3) There is a new warlord table for Iyanden players. Included in the 1 slot is "A Hero for Ages Past and Future," which entails rolling a d3. The result allows that many rerolls to to-hit, to-wound, armor penetration, or armor saves over the course of the game to the warlord.
4) Spiritseers that roll from the Runes of Battle psychic powers table replace the primaris "Conceal/Reveal" with "Voice of Twilight" (rules unknown)
5) There are three new Altar of War missions and five scenarios depicting pivotal battles in Iyanden's history. Included in the Altar of War missions is "Feints and Phantoms" and "Webway Assault," whilst "Yriel's Return" is a part of the historical scenarios (termed 'Echoes of War'). There also appears to be some sort of world spirit defense scenario against Chaos Daemons.
6) There are new Cities of Death and Planetstrike strategems available for Iyanden players.
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